Hopefully the success of this game may lead to sequels of other DnD classics (I'd really love to see an Icewind Dale 3 too). I definitely hope NWN3 will come one day. BG2 had the most ideal single player experience, but NWN1/2 had the best multiplayer experience. I notice consistently that nearly everyone who has an unfavourable opinion of NWN1/2 judge it entirely on it's single player campaigns, which was never intended to be the core focus of those games. NWN was made specifically to be distinct from BG/IWD games, and provide us something approximating (as close as the engine would allow at the time) the table top experience, yet within the limits of a 3d game. Because of the tools built for the community, the community essentially made this game, with the massive amount of mods, Persistent Worlds (player run servers) and modules created for it during the heyday of those games. The unique possibilities that the NWN1/2 games provided is still something that is entirely unmatched by any other game, but hopefully that won't forever remain the case.