Joined: Nov 2007
A few more things I'd like to see improved in the next game: - better voice-acting Sure, the voices in DD sounded nice, generally but they were mainly incapable of expressing emotions. Save for a handful, when they tried to evoke emotions, they sounded either flat or over-acted. - better control over summoned creatures I'd love to be able to click on a summoned creature and order it to attack a particular monster. In DD, sometimes the summoned creatures would just stand there or wander off and you'd need to make them notice the monsters in order to start attacking. - less repetitive music Oh, I loved the music in DD but I wish it would be less repetitive. Ah well, then again, if there're budget constraints, that's fine with me. Oh and... let's see. - Quest items: please filter out quest items when trading with merchants or if not, just make them more distinguishable. Also, if the quest items can be consumed, the character shouldn't be able to eat/drink them! - Improved inventory system: The current system is okay but gets a bit messy sometimes. I actually prefer an inventory system where everything is tiled according to a grid system. It takes up more space but that way, you can find everything with ease. - Improved trading system: The current system in DD was kinda flawed 'cos the merchants often didn't have anything that was superior to the items dropped by monsters or found in chests/areas. As a result, 'cos you keep selling items to them, they ended up running out of cash really fast, no matter how many repairs or identifications they did. Either, let them possess special skills which are needed to upgrade weapons/items or have them sell items which are sometimes better than the drops. - less enemies, more strategy: In DD, I wasn't very convinced the orcs were going to war. How about lesser enemies but with a lot of strategy? That is: the enemies will do anything, including throwing themselves at you(in hopes of killing you along with them), to prevent you from going any further. But if they suffer devastating losses, they might attempt to retreat. - more teleports. Now, I might sound really demanding but in DD, when my pyramids were taken away, it was really painful trying to run around some of the maps, especially the Dark Forest(and even more so when you're encumbered). Either have more teleports or please don't take away the pyramids. - more intuitive puzzles. The puzzles were pretty all right but how about adding more responses, next time? For example: when you push or pull a lever, there'll be some sort of response from the other levers(sound, a certain lever gets depressed, etc.) and a response from the main character.
Last edited by Raito; 01/12/07 07:48 PM.
Joined: Nov 2007
- Ability to remove charms for a price I've always found it more of a punishment that you couldn't remove charms. Yeah, the charms are a reward yet if you made a mistake or 2, you get punished too heavily since they can't be removed and you don't always have the latest save game. Why not allow people to remove the charms but for a price(not too heavy, just like maybe 30k to 50k)?
That is: perhaps, it'd take the skill of a master forgemaster to remove them and it'd cost some money too. That way, players can make a choice: do I stick with the charms I have or do I remove them?
- Ability to reset skillpoints and ability points for a price
How about allowing players to reset their skillpoints and ability points for a price? After all, a lot of players use editors these days since it's common to test around with a few statistic combinations, before you arrive at a set that you're content with. Given that DD2 intends to improve on the "freedom" aspect in DD, why not allow the player to choose?
And please, let it be a shop or NPC that the player is able to access regularly. Otherwise, it's like dangling a prized truffle in front of the player and going "Nya nya! You can see it but you can't have it!" (Typical Black Ring member behaviour. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" /> )
Last edited by Raito; 03/12/07 08:26 PM.
Joined: Mar 2003
In BD you can unlearn most skills to get the points back, at a cost based on your character level.
I think it should be much harder (if possible at all) to redistribute stat points. Perhaps after playing for awhile you could get that option as a quest reward, after which there would be limits on how many points you could move around and/or a high cost or limited availability for this.
Joined: Nov 2007
In BD you can unlearn most skills to get the points back, at a cost based on your character level.
I think it should be much harder (if possible at all) to redistribute stat points. Perhaps after playing for awhile you could get that option as a quest reward, after which there would be limits on how many points you could move around and/or a high cost or limited availability for this. Uh oh... unlearn most and not all skills? *scurries off to fix her mess in BD before it worsens* Agreed that there should be some penalty. Yet, it should be an option 'cos c'mon, it gets quite easy to mess up your stats since the stats and abilities in various rpgs have different effects. Also, another suggestion: I wish the good guys looked more cool in comparison to the baddies. It does so much for your morale when your comrades look the best. Furthermore, when your party looks like their armor was stolen from the scrapyard, it's a little pathetic. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> After all, if you're going to triumph over the evildoers, then why can't you outdo them in terms of appearance, either? Although, having an umbrella which showers the sky with roses is a bit much. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> And another one: In DD and BD, you got to combine potions. Why not allow characters to create their own meals, too? The more delicious the meal is, the more hp/mp you get to recover. Imagine being able to make your own vegetarian meals or even roasted pork! After all, if your character is a vegan/vegetarian, then he/she would want to avoid all meat. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" /> Or even this: imagine baking some cakes or pastries! Mmmm... And yet another one: Disguise. In BD, I remember disguising my main char as a Citadel officer. If you had a male and female characters, you could disguise them as a couple or if one character was an adult and the other a child, then they could be a bunch of wandering companions. Finally, I couldn't understand why the DK in BD couldn't change his appearance or why my main character couldn't crop his hair or develop a limp. Finally, yet another one: Some feedback from the characters when they're hit? In DD, when your character was whacked, he'd go "uhh". In BD, no feedback! Not even if they're out of breath or mana or even close to dying.
Last edited by Raito; 11/12/07 09:09 PM.
Joined: Nov 2007
Oh and another one:
In DD and BD(up to the point I'm playing so far), it's assumed that the demons are always the bad guys. Why can't there also be a small but secretive handful of demons who aren't too interested in fighting? Their motives could range from "sick and tired of fighting for over a few thousand years", to "they've got human lovers", to "not very convinced that resurrecting Lord of Chaos will be the best for the demon populations(Fear that their culture could regress?)", etc.
Finally, it'd be nice to see some aspects of demon culture and society. What do they do in their spare time? What do baby demons play with? Finally: is lust for blood and chaos ingrained in them or is it taught to them? And what was demon society and culture like, before the Lord of Chaos waged war against the other gods? Was it rather refined and even technologically advanced? Did it start to regress once they started to wage war against humans and the other races?
Joined: Mar 2003
Why can't there also be a small but secretive handful of demons who aren't too interested in fighting? Their motives could range from "sick and tired of fighting for over a few thousand years", to "they've got human lovers", to "not very convinced that resurrecting Lord of Chaos will be the best for the demon populations(Fear that their culture could regress?)", etc. I, personally, find this idea quite good, because it breaks with the usual clichés people use to have with demons. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" />
When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it. --Dilbert cartoon
"Interplay.some zombiefied unlife thing going on there" - skavenhorde at RPGWatch
Joined: Nov 2007
Why can't there also be a small but secretive handful of demons who aren't too interested in fighting? Their motives could range from "sick and tired of fighting for over a few thousand years", to "they've got human lovers", to "not very convinced that resurrecting Lord of Chaos will be the best for the demon populations(Fear that their culture could regress?)", etc. I, personally, find this idea quite good, because it breaks with the usual clichés people use to have with demons. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" /> Thank you. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> Well, I remember reading a bit of a book from this series by Ann Bishop(very bloody and twisted). It's about the ruling hierarchy of Hell and how there're those with pure and impure motives among the demons and various races in Heaven and Hell. This means that even angels can be really cruel and delight in torture while there're demons who're actually kind of heart and extremely loyal. Besides, I just dislike having to declare an entire race of beings "evil creatures". It's always crossed my mind that perhaps some races are being war-mongering bastards 'cos the good guys keep provoking and pursuing them, refusing to forgive them for a few mistakes. So, the bad guys accidentally destroyed something important: why not let them help you rebuild it, instead of declaring war? After all, everyone has a limit for tolerance and if you keep attacking and destroying their culture, their friends and families, etc., then don't cry when you face the repercussions. Btw, all this talk reminds me of parts of human history: sometimes, the "good" guys are the savages and manipulators.
Last edited by Raito; 14/12/07 12:28 AM.
Joined: Nov 2007
Options which're part of game controls to set whether to attack frogs/cats/rats, etc.
In BD, there were so many animals running wild that I accidentally attacked them by mistake. My suggestion: include an option as part of game controls, to set whether to attack them or not. Otherwise, it's kinda irritating 'cos this makes it really difficult to move around at times. Or simply, don't let the party attack them.
Speaking of animals, it's too bad you can't feed them food or play with them. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" />
Joined: Nov 2007
Weapons and other items:
Swords with spikes along both sides of the blade which activate when they hit an object. Harder to wield 'cos it adds on weight so you need higher strength and better agility or you'd hit yourself in the face.
Wands with hidden mechanisms which activate when they hit something. A character skilled in detecting traps will be able to see them.
Plant a trap which looks like a venus trap flytrap. When activated, the plant will be able to attack and lunch on your enemies.
Also, remember the weapons the thugs wielded in DD? It'd be pure fun to play with them.
Another idea:
I actually enjoy being able to talk to the other characters in my party to learn more about them, even if they're summoned creatures. Clicking on them will allow you to converse with them or to issue orders to them(if they're your familiar or something else).
And it's a shame that rpgs don't have death messages anymore. In some games I used to play, there were messages which were humorous, biting or even just slightly sarcastic.
And finally, monsters whose attack ability is based on your level, so you get experience for killing them.
Last edited by Raito; 14/12/07 03:28 AM.
Joined: Feb 2008
- Improved trading system: The current system in DD was kinda flawed 'cos the merchants often didn't have anything that was superior to the items dropped by monsters or found in chests/areas. As a result, 'cos you keep selling items to them, they ended up running out of cash really fast, no matter how many repairs or identifications they did. Either, let them possess special skills which are needed to upgrade weapons/items or have them sell items which are sometimes better than the drops. - more teleports. Now, I might sound really demanding but in DD, when my pyramids were taken away, it was really painful trying to run around some of the maps, especially the Dark Forest(and even more so when you're encumbered). Either have more teleports or please don't take away the pyramids. Definately agree on the trading system. I don't even bother checking for a weapon from a merchant. The only thing I look for are leggings because they are no unique leggings in game so a merchant may have one with charm slots. Also the prices are weighted to high for items that have skills. There are useless armor that costs 16,000 because it has a skill like identify and repair. I only go to Geoff because he is the only one that has enough money to buy my items. Always having to have Geoff unlock his store gets tedious. I would like to see all the merchants you have located show up in a trading window so you don't have to teleport to 4 locations looking for a charm of spell book. It could be made that a merchant would not appear in the trade window until you have physically enetered his store. Thereafter instead of teleporting to go to his store, you just view his items in a pop up window. Regarding summoned creatures not being controlled. The Aura of command spell will allow you to control up to 5 creatures you summon. 1 Creature for each point in the spell. The spell will make them follow you close instead of have to recast them because there 3 Screens away. Taking away the teleporter stones is just sadistic.
Joined: Feb 2008
I heartily agree. BTW, there are sets of unique leggings, the best one in the "Imp's deserted Castle", adjacent to the room where you kill the Dragon rider. It's plate leggings, have outstanding potential! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />
"Oh Lord, how long will the search go on?"
Joined: Feb 2008
I heartily agree. BTW, there are sets of unique leggings, the best one in the "Imp's deserted Castle", adjacent to the room where you kill the Dragon rider. It's plate leggings, have outstanding potential! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" /> Thanks for the heads up. I'll have to keep my eye out for those leggings.
Joined: Jun 2019
Good evening (or night),
I'm not sure all of this message is in good place in Larian forum but as its a suggestion, why not ?
I played to DD when I was young and in a way I liked the game, in some other ways, I disliked it. The difficulty is sometimes ahm... Excessive ? For example, you start the game, just explore, find a heavy ork or archer ork -end of story-... You can reload ans save but its less immersive when you can just "redo and redo". If you go to the bad position at bad moment, you just die... More ability to flee shall be welcome and come again when you're levelled enough. Then you shall explore and flee if required. Many encounters are "at the first time you go there" and so, reload is, I find too much essential to the game. But I think there's nothing to be done after 18 years ? :P
But I'd like to finish the game many years later. And as I read there may be a remake, I just give ideas... And maybe shall it be possible to change some of existing skills ? I have seen here some hex editing "tips" to change heroes skill points and stats but maybe there is a way to change/equilibrate some of skills are "too weak" or "too strong" ? The things who made me upset were some points of equilibration in game skills mainly and other things (like freezing weapons). There is the list if it may be of use :
I'll first list the overpowered one (IMO) : - Trap skill (deadly gift) and scorpions : You can have this skill very soon and making level 100 scorpions is just game breaking... Nothing more or less to say they can just kill all the field of ennemies all by themselves. The only ennemies could kill them were spellcasters (some kind of wraithes who cast lightning)... - That's not really OP but elven run at level 5 may decrease greatly but not totally the consumption ? Maybe 1/6 per level (so max to 5/6 decreasing ?) - Heaven's gift ? I never tested it but a skill who instantly give you good items may not be a bit gamebraking ? In other way if it just gives bad items, that's just usless... Hard to make it a "good" ability, no ? - Spirit (or elemental) arrows : When you get one level, you do INSANE damage at start for 1 mana. Then the bonus is less and less intresting... I find giving 4 abilities to get bonus in shoot who don't "stack" and gives a so huge bonus at level 1 is not very fun. I remember when I tryed ranged hero and had just that, I was saying... Wow, I bash all enemies whithout difficulty... Not fun to have "so soon" a "so powerful" abitity who makes all other "useless". That means all points given in other ability of this kind are useless... Why use poison arrow in this game ? It does less damage and "on the time"... - Repair level 1 : 60% repaired and for every other level +10%... Why on earth having not let a 20% per level ? So increasing the level shall be of use... Here just having the skill is enough... - Death strike : A passive for 5% instant kill ennemy ? Maybe some heavy damage bonus but instant kill ? Just take sword, fast attack and well... Add more the OP frost ability on item and that's quite game breaking. As soon as you have a decent freezing item, game become quite "broken", no ? Maybe just make a slow effect of freeze and not "stun"... - Spellbooks : For mages, don't use any skill in spell... Just be patient and find mearchants (like Kristandalus) who sells you spellbooks... That increases your spell level not taking care of heroe's requirements in level to get the skill... So very soon in game you can have all spells at max level. In a way that's fun in some other, its game breaking... I'd suggest some bonus level given by books (5 levels) who're different of level given by skills. So you couls (for spells), get "10 levels". So skill points shall be of use for mages and books too !
Skills I find a bit weak/useless : - Know creatures : That's fun to know what you fight but this skill don't really help you to kill them... I'd find fun a little bonus on ennemies you killed many times - and know well ? - Necroshift : Well, that's fun but being for a short time the ennemy you kill don't look that intresting ? - May survivor's instinct help you to regenerate a bit faster ? Or maybe you shall have a basic regeneration (increased by this skill) ? - Item expertise : in a way they are "too strong" : you boost fast your damage and with few levels you get it to max skill level. In some other, its point consuming to have all skills and useless as "the best weapons are sword so take sword skill and that's all"... If the bonus shall be a little less good but may stack (for example, one decreases the time rate, one increases damage, one give hits bonus...) so warrior shall need many of those skills and not "just one" ? - As elven sight gives +2 sight and +1 for ranger sight... What's the use of making two skills who does the same and the other is two times weaker ? And as I remember, when I get too much levels I had problems because I see more far than windows shows... So I thought I visited some aeras but not really... Quite bad : a skill gives you problems when you get too much levels ^^ - Feign death ?! Ennemies stand around so doing that will not have any use, no ? - Flash attack : Maybe less cosful at start and more at end ? 80%-65%-50%-35%-20% of stamina ? - Deathly disks are fun but quite inefficient... As many spells, they are not very strong and the skill points you spend are a lost... - WORST OF ALL SPELLS : Vermine... Serious !? An ability to make a rat... Is that a joke ? Maybe a minion who helps you shall be fun but this... - After summon vermin, summon skeleton... Very bad skill compared to summon scorpion level 100, no ? - Master summoner : a bit weak for same reasons... But nice to get skills who improves other. Maybe do somehting other for damage spells ? - Polymorph : If you can use this spell you could also freeze unit... So have no problem to kill it... - Spell levelling : Example : meteor level 1 cost 2 MP and 8+20 damage. Level 2 cost 3 MP and 16+36 so half more mana and half more damage... Knowing that spells can be cast "instantly" (there is no incantation time), if you doble damage and doble mana costs, that don't really bring any advantage... So giving skill points in meteor is "pure waste"... Maybe increase the ratio damage/mana cost ? Samely for heal... - Exactly the same in worst for lightning. As ennemies don't have mana, they don't care but you... - Maybe freeze does its damage "at start" or "over time" but not "at end of freezing" ? - Elemental bolt costs a very huge amount of mana, no ? Compared to the OP shooting skill who does better for 1 mana point... - Poison cloud : it requires very huge level but is quite weak no ? - Banish shall have a "zone effect" maybe ? - As far as I remember, the knight you invoke don't follow you very well...
Some other things who disapoint me : - When you are levelled up, starting ennemies don't give you any XP point. I understand a decreasing but when you explore and have difficulties to hit on musquitoes, if they don't even give you just some ridiculous points of XP in reward, I find this hard. As you require tons of XP to level up when you're advanced in game, the few 1000XP shall not change too much things but you'd be pleased to still have "won something". Could the decrease of XP be changed ? - When you've 5 levels in a skill and level up (because of quest or spellbook), you go to level 1 ! Will it be possible to fix it to level 5 ? - The many "element damage" (poison, fire, ...) are "all the same" and ennemies are simultaneously burned and poinsoned and... I'm not fond of so much skills who does quite the same... - I find strange a "reflect missile" skill, if it just help you to be missed, yes, cool... But how to throw back some arrow on launcher ?! Not very logical... - Game is quite easy with warrior and ranged hero but with mage its very hard... The main problem is mana requirements... And I like mages ! Give a mana regeneration over time (depending of intellignence maybe ?) - Some skills does "quite the same thing" like "enegy cage" and "freeze" (and blind)... Why making so much skills doing the "same effect" ? I'd suggest freeze just do slow ennemies and do damage (over time ?) and enegy cage blocks ennemies. But here it will be quite the same than "slow" (limb of lead) who again does quite the same... Maybe the last skill shall have more duration ? - Hell spikes is fun when you level it up but you're so fast at max level (for all spells) and have not any way to get better mage... Maybe some mage's skill who increase damage of other spells shall be welcome to make some "bad spell" be of use at some moments in the game... - Burning wall is very fun skill but maybe call it "lightning wall" ?
Suggestion skills : - Skill who decreases the needings for equipping items/armors (two skills) and maybe increases the efficience (for example diminishing the effects of wearing a heavy armor ?) - Regenerating mana skill ! (passive)
Anyways the game has still many very nice story, is quite immersive in world, I had many fun in "making a home" with items I found all over the world but some of these things really made me find the "mage way" a bad one and I regret it. The mana is really a problem and going to sleep after killing 10 skeletons is not very fun... So if there is a way to improve the "weak skills" and make "all of them" potentially "of use" I'll be more pleased to begin again my way in Aleroth.
So if there are "mods" of Divine Divinity (made by fans or Larian studios), I'd like to see them. I hope there is but I haven't found. Thanks for making a good game, for reading my long post and I hope my english was not too bad. Have a good knight (it helps to sleep well). FfuzzyLogik.
Joined: Mar 2003
It is a bug that scorpions are so strong. You need Repair at level 5 to get the most value out of trade equipment (not that it is hard to get gold, eventually), as well as fix 1 durability items. Summoned rats are a good distraction, since they provoke opponents into attacking them. Even if the effect/mana is the same at higher levels, the effect per time is better after boosting the skill/spell. For Meteorstrike, though, from your numbers the damage/mana is increasing (4+10 to 5.3+12). Enemies can wander away if they think you are dead, or turn their attention fully to any summons or resurrected creatures, allied NPCs if there are guards nearby, etc. Deathly Disks can be very effective, especially used in close quarters. It also does physical damage (like Hell Spikes), so can not be resisted (though the survivor's Curse skill can take care of resistances, one target at a time). There is an XP bonus when defeating opponents above your character's level, and a decrease if they are below (down to zero about 8 levels below, IIRC). When skills are maxed, they should remain maxed if there is a level reward from a quest; IIRC there should be an error then trying to use a skillbook. Restoration potions can be bought or created with Alchemy, and after you get up a few levels give much more of an effect than individual health or mana potions. If you don't mind the time it takes, that is one of the uses of Heaven's Gift (at level 2 or 3, when you start getting regular sized potions, as long as you have a decent mana supply, casting the skill repeatedly should usually give you at least one regular mana potion before you run out, to restore what you used up, and then the rest of the potions, gold and minor loot are profit). The Spell Shield and Aura of Guarding spells can augment armour. In the elven village in the Dark Forest the bow merchant there sometimes sells mithril armour, which lacks the strength requirements of other breastplates.
Unfortunately, there aren't any mods, other than one for larger fonts.
Joined: Jun 2019
Good morning(or night),
I just forgot to the list : Skills I find a bit weak/useless : - Bless skill looks a bit weak, increase a bit characteristics for few time ? Increasing value of time shall be cool ? - Curse : As it is a spell who weaken magic resistances, maybe increase duration and "zone effect" shall be nice to make it more useful ? - Auras of protection : First level gives 60 aura shield then +20 per skill ?! Maybe something like 30/60/90/130/180 to increase intrest to have it at huge level ? - Might does the "same" than "bless" but only for might... A skill just to increase one stat temporarily ?! Maybe something who decrease the mana costs of some spells or/and increase their effects ? - Maybe fade from sight shall require less level ? As there is many other ways to not be seen...
You're very fast to answer, Raze ! I thank you alot ! I noticed I had not your famous "welcome to the forums" ? But your fast and nice answer (as usual) say the same. So thanks for your constant and patient answering.
About your answers : - And you know how to "repair" the bugs ? The latest patch does it ? I think I hadn't it because I wasn't playing with english version of game... - Yes for repair but 60% for one skill point then +10% per level ? Why not 20% per level ? Here it would require (at level 1) a 5 durabiltty item to be repaired, that shall be nice for start ! - Okay for rat's "distraction" but as they are "onehitted", its a short distraction, no ? Entire skill just do distract a bit ennemies... A skeleton shall do that better, no ? - Ah, I didn't remember it increases for meteor, I read that was linear progression... In locus inn : 8+20 - 2MP / 16+36 - 3 MP / 24+48 - 4MP / 32+68 - 5MP / 40+84 6MP cost. So its really near a linear progression, no ? - Once more, some other skill (invisibility) does the same... Not very intresting I find to get two skills who finally have quite the same use... But the second stronger than the first. And a potion does the same no ? - Yes, disks can sometimes be effective but frequently are not... That's why I'd suggest a little amelioration... The thing I truly like with spikes is : damage increases AND zone effect. So you really see amelioration with levels ! That is very cool ! I really like this skill as it is nor "overpowered" nor "bad". - For anti-resistance, as you have to cast a spell then swap spell then cast other spell to make it of use, I suggested a "zone of effect" to make it more "intresting" - For skill, yes, they should remain maxed but... As far as I remember, they were not ? Maybe latest patch correct this ? - Yes, restoration potion are "necessary" but mana gets burned very quicky compared to life for warriors. At start, I can do dungeon and just heal a bit sometimes ; levels do the regen job. With mages, that's different, you need resplenish your mana very frequently...
Okay, there is no mod... But maybe there is a way to "change a bit those things" are not particulary efficicient ? For a new patch of the game or just fan made if Larian is okay for that ? I'm surprised it didn't intrest players "fan of the game" to have "more useful" skills ? Again, thanks alot for your time.
Have a good day ! FfuzzyLogik.
Joined: Mar 2003
Welcome to the forum.  I dropped that after taking over support, and focusing more on technical problems. It seemed a tad too cheerful for people with possibly annoying/frustrating issues, and welcoming some people and not others would have been rude. Curse is very effective as it is, since it can be cast repeatedly on the same target. I wouldn't be opposed to buffing Spell Shield and Aura of Guarding. I only used them mid game, though, after maxing them with purchased or found spell books. Later in the game they just were not necessary. The bug with the scorpions was not fixed in the disk version of the game. The original GOG released contained a fix, but that was accidentally reverted with an update to fix a newly introduced bug. With the Steam release there were several issues with backups and the code changes for the GOG version were lost, requiring higher resolution support, etc, to be re-implemented. Scorpions were in so many FAQ and suggestion topics for difficult fights, etc, that they were not changed. A 20% repair early in the game would barely bring equipment above breaking status, requiring much more frequent repairs (especially with bows). I never used summons, but years ago in the forum (or maybe it was the old forum) a player (with a mage character) posted a defence of skills he thought unjustly maligned, including Summon Vermin, which he found to be very useful. With invisibility and sneak, one uses mana and the other stamina. I don't recall any other reports of maxed skills resetting to 1. Early in the game warriors should be able to get by with chicken to restore mana, or boosts when sleeping to heal. The game engine doesn't really support modding.
Joined: Jun 2019
I'm not offended, be sure of that ! I was reading some things on this forum and I'm really impressed of how many time you may have spend to answer kindly and carefully to so much persons... Especially on "bug part", I read some very agressive persons and I thank you for your patience !
I trust you for curse, not tested enough.
I'm sorry to hear the scoropion bug is still here because its "useful" in hard fight... I'd better hope some boost of some other weak-to-the-hell skills can compense...
Yes but repair basic items is not "expensive"...
"The game engine doesn't really support modding." Just too bad to hear that... I really dislike many skills as they are... And that really break my pleasure of playing. But if its so hard to mod, as beginner, I think I can't do anything more...
I'd really enjoy few changes : - Mana regeneration over time and one skill who increase that ; adding a basic HP regeneration aswell. - Spellbooks add 5 "levels" who are different of the skills (so getting a mage shall require skill points and not only books but books could be very useful) - Increase the number of possible levels in game - that's fun to level up sometimes : => in diminishing a bit the XP required to win level around the end, the function is as I read on manual 1000/3*(L^3-L). I thought about changing it with something like (1000+50*L)*(L²+L). With my calculations, you'll have the max XP (ancient level 50) at level 91. => Other spot, delete the changes of XP bonus/malus for ennemies so ennemies will always bring you some experience => In counterpart, diminish the bonus for quest XP rewards to not give too much) - Reboost few skills are quite weak, decrease effect of some other - Make some skills "go together" (example for warrior, give less strong bonuses for each weapon but a "cummulative" part to increase the needings of ability points : sword increase damage of sword but a bit for axes, spear... And oppositely).
Anyways, lets not dream too much ^^ Have a good day !
Joined: Mar 2003
The Survivor's Instinct skill gives slow HP regeneration (not enough to help in combat, but handy to top off hit points when you are trading, questing or sorting loot, etc).
Joined: Jun 2019
Its not question to make him heal you dramatically in fight ! Its just a question to make it more helpful if you encounter minor creatures to not need to heal too often. Samely something similar for mana shall be very nice, for mages hanve NOT to use potions (or sleep) everytime...