So its not about RTWP but its about RTWP.
Anyone who doesnt like RTWP is NOT A TRUE FAN right?
So what else is part of baldurs gate.

What about the Isometric camera, Sven hinted at it not beeing there anymore. Is that not a BG game then?
What about the ruleset? Is it still baldurs gate if its no longer 2E? Because WOTC made them make it 5E.
What about 2D graphics. Are you sure that a full 3D enviroment will still constitue a Baldurs gate game?
What about the Characters. Will it truly be a Baldurs gate game without the player beeing the Bhaalspawn?

What constitues a baldurs gate game my dude?
Because to me, it looks like you demand a sequal to be identical to its predecessor.
Well, Beamdog has tried to do that and WOTC denied them.
I admit not beeing the biggest Baldurs Gate fan because when i was the age most people played BG i played Might and Magic and wizardry and i only played Infinity Engine games when i was already well versed in RPGs, so theres no nostalgia value there for me.

But if a company would lets say make a Wizardry 9, and theyd change aroudn the gameplay for the better i wouldnt complain about that.
In fact, im realy Happy that legend of grimrock wasnt Might and Magic 6.

I understand that this annoys your nostalgic sensibilities, but i think theres soemthing genuinly to be gained from this game beeing different.
and WOTC obviously thinks so too.
I think Its about the vision of Baldurs Gate and not about the exact details.
A sense of grand adventure that takes a long time to complete, a metaplot and exploration, a large cast of characters and a lot of different build options.

And just another little thing: You seem to think that all Larian fans are just Original Sin-aboos. You probably werent around when OS1 was announced, but there were a lot of Larian fans unhappy that it wasnt a continuation of Divinity 2, and that it wasnt a Real time game like Divine Divinity and Divinity 2.

EDIT: And seriously, a copy of OS2.
You people ever played any larian games? Every second game they make is compleltey unrelated to the previous one. OS2 is the only larian game that i can think of that is even REMOTELEY simmilar to its predecessor, and even there plenty of OS1 fans seprged out that OS2 ruined the game.
The only thing im pretty sure about this game is that its not gonna be a clone of any other game.

Last edited by Sordak; 26/06/19 03:48 PM.