Originally Posted by Bukke
I don't want to jump to conclusions too soon, but considering that Original Sin 2's armour system was implemented to eliminate RNG (mostly in the shape of 'bad' dice rolls) from influencing combat it's not as if the disapproval of attacks and spells missing is something brand new for Larian.

Prefer not RNG is one thing.

Say that doesn't work when clearly worked on bg1/2, iwd1/2, nwn1/2, and tons of non D&D games like kotor 1/2, diablo 1/2, is completely different. I like because it makes the combat tense. You can an suffer an sneak attack from an poisoned arrow at very far away on D&D, and it would be deadly, mainly at low levels or for low hit dice classes... Mindflayers if they need to take out an armor to then try to "enslave" your party members will not be an terrifying enemy. Same for Beholders. The fear of being insta disintegrated is what makes then terrifying enemies.

Originally Posted by Sordak
well no, the armor system wasnt realy to take away RNG, well it was partly to take away RNG, but i think the reason was mostly to change the focus of the game away from alpha striking with CC which was very easy to do in OS1, mostly winning the fight before it even began.
Also to move the combat away from CC spam and give direct damage more of an edge.(...)

The "randomness" is exactly what makes the CC spam not viable on D&D. Pick an "web" spell for eg, is very lickely to hold some creatures and very unlikely to hold another. This ignoring complete immunity. Finger of Death works on living, but is useless against enemies with high fortitude saves or immune to insta death effects on 3.5e, flesh to stone is more adequated against undead for eg but against an dragon with high fortitude, will likely not work, but here is my point. Only because an game did CC and saves bad, doesn't means that all games did it badly.

I din't played D:OS1 but become bored with D:OS2 in 6 hours. One game that implemented the rules relative faithful was Pathfinder Kingmaker. And honestly, there are few things that P:K could improve. For example, fly and climb.

Modern ""rpg's"" offers way less verticality than even DOS era cRPG's. You can fly and climb on Daggerfall and dungeons has many "floors" linked in a 3D way. Nowadays with physics engine, with 3D photorealistic graphics, game devs instead of making archery more realistic or fun, they limit your archery range to 13m(D:OS2 i an looking to you), adds a lot of mechanics that makes no sense like cooldowns, instead of explore the bigger memory to allow creations of undead armies,they limit to one summon, instead of bouncing in armor animation, they say that missing doesnt work(Despite it worked on tons of games), instead of allowing an 'caster' do cool stuff like animate objects in the scenario, they offer an magic system with way less effects than dos rpg's, instead of destructive involvement with consequences from destroying it, they hand hold the player into boring lever puzzles... The first thing that M&M devs did after they moved from grid based to doom "2.5D" 3D based was add fly and verticality. Something that modern game devs hate. Think on the 90s games with modern technology, an dragon bombargin your party with powerful spells and flying...

Here is two solo sorcerers on BG2:EE using two completely different strategies, one using summons + shapeshift and another lowering enemy MR and saves and using finger of death(ohk on failed save)



Last edited by SorcererVictor; 02/07/19 06:39 AM. Reason: grammar