CC spam is not viable in DnD?
my dude im pretty much a forever DM and CC is absolute King in any non full damage specialized party.
Sleep, web, or in 4E which i prefer movement hindering effects are amazing.

The thing in DnD is that if you use damage or CC to beat an encounter, there are still even more OP ways of doing them, that usually involve magic.
When we are talking early game, having CC is basically mandatory. Especialy in earlier editions where there is no AoO, im thinking of Icewind Dale 1 here. You keep getting overwhelmed by the enemy simply having higher numbers than you, you cant realy keep all their dudes busy and in early levels your casters will die very quickly, so entangling the lot of em is the easiest way to manage an encounter.

You dont need to entangle ALL your enemies, your fighter and ranger can deal with those enemies not entangled, but its much more manageable than having to deal with all of them while your paper mache wizard is running for his life in a crowded dungeon.

I dont know what to tell you about becoming bored of OS2 in 6 hours.
Ok you only like RTWP games that are faithfull to ... some pnp system. Thats a very particular taste, but you cant argue with taste.

Taste however is also not actually an argument.
And saying DnD does RNGed CC better than Original Sin quite frankly isnt true, it does it basically the same.

And the rest you said, idk you seem to devolve into rambling.
i dont remember any RPG that did destructible enviroments. DAI tried but it was a gimmick and didnt work well.
what you said about "Limiting to cast" sounds like Vancian casting, ive explained in numerous threads why i think vancian magic is a bad system for a video game (and for DnD)
I dont know what lever puzzles you talk about, i only remember one lever puzzle in OS2 and that was in the Path of Blood, considering you got bored 6 hours in, im seriously doubting you got that far since thats at the very end of act 3, youd have to be speedrunning hard to reach that point in 6 hours.

Im also not quite sure what you are trying to prove with those two videos.
Are you implying that in non RNG based systems there is only one way to beat an encounter? Not to mention that OS2 has RNG in it, just less in terms of CC.
it seems like you are just trying to show off the system you want. Which is ok, i just dont think its impressive, i know that system well.

Im gonna repeat myself here but im gonna do it anyway:

They probably WONT just have a system you are used to (RTWP / OS style Turn based) and just "Remove" the "Missing" part of it.
I think they have a compleltey different combat system that works different to both of those types of games in which misisng doesnt make sense.
Simmilar to how missing was removed in Oblivion from Morrowind (which was very much a dice roll combat game but only from a first person perspective, while Oblivion was an action based combat system)

Last edited by Sordak; 02/07/19 01:39 PM.