Originally Posted by Sordak

Sleep, web, or in 4E which i prefer movement hindering effects are amazing.

4e is EXACTLY why we have pathfinder and the worst edition in therms of sales. Exactly because they tried to be pnp-generic-mmos instead of pnp-living breathing worlds. Charm, is an amazing starting spell, but can only be used 4 times per rest on a wizard. Resting system is an problem on BG but P:K fized it by making resting risky, require time and resources in a world where camping supplies are expensive, heavy and the time matters.

Originally Posted by Sordak

I dont know what to tell you about becoming bored of OS2 in 6 hours.

Too much modern mechanics that i hate. MMO style limited range, where archers can't hit an elephant at 14m, cooldowns, gear being much more important on how your build your charcter and not working like eqquipment, etc

Originally Posted by Sordak

i dont remember any RPG that did destructible enviroments. DAI tried but it was a gimmick and didnt work well.
what you said about "Limiting to cast" sounds like Vancian casting, ive explained in numerous threads why i think vancian magic is a bad system for a video game (and for DnD)

No, is not. I saw a lot of games using spell slots. Dark Souls for eg and Dark Souls had one of the best combat systems.

Spell slots on the way that DkS 2 presented leads to some "decisions", for example, Forbidden Sun, the strongest pyromancy that literally creates an mini sun and trows at the enemy, Insane deadly and deals AOE damage. What is the problem? Is behind an long quest and takes 3 attenument slots ( https://darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com/Forbidden+Sun ) So the 'charname' needs to make an choice. What is best? Be able to throw 3 forbidden suns with 43 ATN and Hexer hood or be able to throw 20+ fire orbs? And there are no easy solution. In some situations, one spell will excel and on another, another spell will be the best option.

If was on D3 for Ex, pyromancer will need an big and sharp axe to throw the mini sun and the mini sun will scale with 100.000% of base damage and have 2 minute cooldown.

If was on D:OS will be an 13m ranged attack that can be used once per 10 turns and that is it. Nothing special, no decision, no player agency.

Originally Posted by Sordak

Ok you only like RTWP games that are faithfull to ... some pnp system. Thats a very particular taste, but you cant argue with taste.

I like turn based games too. As longs they don't have ultra slow annimations like Wizardry 8 or D:OS or modern mechanics that makes no sense.

Originally Posted by Sordak

i dont remember any RPG that did destructible enviroments. DAI tried but it was a gimmick and didnt work well.

I said that COULD have it with modern technology; unfortunately even games like pahtfinder kingmaker din't implemented it.

Originally Posted by Sordak

Simmilar to how missing was removed in Oblivion from Morrowind (which was very much a dice roll combat game but only from a first person perspective, while Oblivion was an action based combat system)

And exactly by removing missing, they needed to remove a lot of other things. For eg, how Divine intervention can work if it have no risk of failure????

If you lv 1 charname with an dagger can hit an master knight with plate armor and tower shield, the guy in question ends up becoming an "bullet spongee"

Last edited by SorcererVictor; 02/07/19 02:58 PM.