Every time, man, i wonder if someone trains you people to spout the same regurgitated and especialy unfounded opinions on 4e.
So im not even gonna get into it, you are only depriving yourself of an edition that actually made stuff different. Have fun.

Vancian casting only works in Pathfinder because its a game with a worldmap and random encounters, as you pointed out.
It didnt work well in Baldurs gate, it didnt work in neverwinter nights. And honestly, it doesnt work in DnD. All it does is forcing more rests. AS a DM the best thing you can do to make Vancian casting work is to create time pressure, make sure the party has to complete its objectives in a short timeframe.
but that means it works only in that time constraiend setting.
Time constraiend campaigns are hard to do without "railroading", but thats a seperate issue alltogether.

Too many modern mechanics. Ok having ranges? I mean besides Bows, that same thing applies to DnD. And in DnD and most infinity engine games, your ranger will be limited simply because of the layout of the battlefield, such as them beeing dungeons.
Cooldowns is a matter of opinion, as far as im concerned, they work better than vancian casting. Thats the reason modern games use cooldowns, because as a system its more consistent and more aplicable to a variety of playstyles.
As i said in my previous post: Taste is not an argument.

And spell slots are not Vancian casting? That IS vancian casting.
Dark souls is particular poor comparison. Dark Souls is set up in a way where the world resets when you rest. Its therfore the ideal game for Vancian casting to work.
And idk if dark souls actually has the "Best" combat system. Dark Souls combat system feels good, but Dark Souls combat system is mostly pattern recognition, i say that as someone whose played all Dark Souls games and finished 1 with mouse and keyboard for some reason.
DIdnt play bloodbourne cause i dont own a console.
Dark Souls combat system realy shows in PvP: a bunch of rolling and backstabbing. Dark Souls is excellence in level design and presentation, not neccesarily in combat system.

And pardon me, did you play OS2?
Because you have to make the exact same desicsions.
Do you want to waste 2 memory slots on a powerfull spel like closed circuit or do you want to use the two for "weaker" utiltiy spells like teleport or nether swap?

Dou you want to build a mage that covers all his bases by having spells that deal all damage types, thus having to specc into memory, or do you want to throw all your poitns into Intelligence to increase the damage of those spells that you have.
Likewise, theres source abilities, which dont have a cooldown but rely on a Ressource that you can have, at maximum, 3 of. You want to use all 3 of your source to cast overpower at the start of the fight to immediatly CC an enemy?
Or do you want to keep your source to use Skin graft to reset your cooldowns later on.

For one thing you compare apples to oranges (a tactical turn based RPG in which combats are balanced around starting wtih full HP versus a Marathon run Action RPG)
you also seem to have only a rudimentary understanding of one of the things you talk about.

Since when does Wizardry 8 have ultra slow animations, they dont even have melee attack animations, the only thing slow about Wiz 8 is the fact that the enemies come in huge blobs and move one at the time, But theres a mod that fixes that.

On your Knight example:
DnD 5E actually doesnt have the scenario anymore where the knife fighter cant hit the knight.
Bounded accuracy gets rid of that.
Furhtermore, read what i said, its probably gonna be a different game mechanic. Chances are, the knight with the Shield will manually block the attacks rather than the knife fighter "missing" the knight.
On the bullet sponge note: Wheres the difference?
If a Knight has so much damage reduction the knife fighter needs to hit him 200 times to kill him, or if the Knife fighter misses so ofthen that he needs to attak him 200 tiems to kill him..... wheres the difference?