The bg trilogy has some serious, dark and gritty stories, but I will never feel that as something that defines the saga.

Even in the dismal lands infested of dark shadows of Umar Hills you found the Umar witch project. In bg games there is a ranger with a space hamster and a taste for butkicking evil foes; you have every banter with Jan or Tiax or Xzar, when in tob you can be a questgiver for noob adventurers and they reload when you kill them as the slayer; You have the innocence of Imoen despite what happens to her in bg2; A exploding ogre; A guy who teleports when he sees you, Anything that Cespenar says, Peter of the North and Randy of the west (Come on, you KNOW who they are, because... er... a friend told you), the "conversation" with Mr Shade, Aulava and Tiiro, a mecha armor made with golden pantaloons, The first play in the theatre in bg2, 90% of the 4th-wall-breaking companion sounds(This boots are made for walking and that´s what they do, Montaron I... will never loved you,...), Baeloth in BG1 and SOD, the guard of the mines that says that "his missus is complaining because the stress of the iron crisis is taking 'the starch out of his maypole.' and your hilarious answers, Greywolf´s dead by squirrels, The Spectator in sahuagin city and his epic cameo in TOB...

You need me to keep listing? Because I´ve only started.

Let us be honest, despite all the dark story in the saga, I think the devs never intended these games to be Silent hill.
If you compare with another crpg games like Pst or the first PoE, with a more dramatic approach to their trama, you can see that in bg seriousness is there, but it never was the point. So I expect from BG3 the same: adventures with laughs and screams, moments of seriousness but also some Jan Jansen wtf! moments.

Last edited by _Vic_; 05/07/19 01:44 PM.