It is a well known fact that a lot of RPG writers dread adding romance to their games, for a number of reasons.

Now, BG is kinda known for having romancable companions. And in my opinion has some of the best integrated romances in the genre. However, I also find that DOS2 was kinda lacking on the romance end of things. They felt like an afterthought and tacked on, which made them feel kind of out of place imo. Comperatively, anyway. It was the whole "Choose answer 1 to intercourse" schtick. Thing is, BG2 came with very meaningful character development for the romancable companion in question, that is what made them good and interesting. Honestly, one of my favourite romances in RPG history doesn't even have the characters touch at all, which would be Fall-from-Grace in Planescape: Torment. It was good because it was well integrated into the narrative and felt natural.

Anyway, my point: I'd love to see romances to return to BG3, but please don't make them like in DOS2. To be frank, I'd rather not have any romances if they'd get the DOS2 treatment. Since I am assuming that the roster of potential companions is gonna be vastly downsized when compared to BG1 and 2, I'd also assume that there is more potential to flesh out every companion's writing. Of course the dream would be to see some PST level of romance writing, but I know that is a lotto ask for. But I hope you can bring romances on the level of BG2 at least, that would be nice.