Originally Posted by _Vic_
Wands and scrolls do not require any check (nor even level check) if you are a caster of the appropriate class ( A wizard can use a fireball wand without checks, a priest can use a rod or resurrection without check)

A rogue will need a uber high use magic item (and it is not a cross-class skill for rogues, it is for all non-caster basic classes) to have only a "probability", a chance to use a wish scroll once. A wizard level 1 can use a abi-dalzim or wish lvl 9 scroll at wizard level 1 if he/she wishes to and find or buy one. Scrolls do not have level limits.

A fighter would never be able to use a critical strike scroll or a ranger a hide in plain sight scroll. Because there is no scrolls or rods or wands for class skills. You can cast spells that enhance your skills, but... you have to be able to cast them.

You will have to level-up and spend your points to detect traps with a rogue, a cleric only have to buy or find a 120 gp wand of find traps to do the same. With no checks.We were talking about the things that some classes can or not can do... remember?

Also I wasn´t talking about combat. Of course all classes are decent at combat.

Originally Posted by _Vic_
I do not really agree in everything, but you have a point on some things you´ve said.

The pure caster classes (wizards, clerics, druids, bards...) have much more options than non-casters. I am not talking about combat or buffs.
I do not know if it is the same in 5e, but usually, there is almost nothing a non-caster class can do that you cannot do with a spell.
Yo need scouting? eye of mage, sanctuary, far view, some invisibility spell, and voila, instantly improved scouting.
You need help in diplomacy? You have discern lies, friends spell, charm, illusion...
Traps? Find traps (ok, you cannot disable them unless arcane trickster or something like that)
Problems navigating desfavorable terrain? fly, feather fall, resist heat/cold, oasis.
Travelling too slow? Wind walk, haste, conjure carriage,
You are hungry/thirsty? create food and water, good berries,...
You need brute force? Bull's strength, tenser transformation, polymorph or summon something to do it for you...
You have to build or repair something? Fabricate!
A problem that is not of the above? Wish!

I understand it gives you more rp options for caster types, but I found it too unbalanced IMHO.

There is almost nothing that a non-caster can do that you can´t do with a spell outside combat. So, mage or cleric, you have to rest? You have to buy something? Well, I have to reach the xp needed to level up and pick feats and skillpoints to do the same... And then, I have a "chance" to make a check and be able to use my skill. Most "utility" spells do not require this.
Ej: True sight does not allow saving. Perception requires checks to find a secret door hidden behind an illusion, or an invisible character.

ED: I forgot: It would be terrific if D&D, Drakensang, Pathfinder... will give us the chance to build our spectacle glasses, mechanic automatons, skeleton keys, flash grenades, hand cannons... like in Arcanum. But all they give you are more spells or magic items ( that are objects that allow you to... tachaaaan... cast spells most of the time). Wtf are the gnomes in Lantan or the alchemists doing? XDD

D&D was never about balance except for a DM balancing an encounter to meet the parties strength. The classes were never meant to be balanced. The party was meant to cooperate with each other to overcome obstacles.

A mage only has so many spells they can mesmerize at any given time.

Spells require a roll DC of 10 + the level of the spell if it is higher than what you can cast.

All wands are not spell caster dependent. And some of them require atonement. (You can only attune 3 items at a time.)

There are other magic items that a fighter can use. Chimes of opening, Ring of Spell storing. Boots of levitation, Potions, Ring of Wishes, Boots of Haste, ect.....
then again if you have to attune to them you can only attune to 3 at a time.

In D&D you have Alchemist Flask, Acid Vials, Arrows with, poison, flames.

Yet there are many magic items that a Wizard can not use that a fighter can.