Guys, you gave some good insight about game mechanics, but you keep talking again, and again and again about spells and skills only (or mostly) used in combat. That was never an issue for me. I think all of us agree that all classes have combat capabilites in one way or another, in different situations.

Like I said several times, I only have issues with the use in rp outside combat. I would like a little more flexibility for most non-caster builds. I think this discussion reached the "point of pointlessness"

ED: I will try to explain. I usually play druids, witches, clerics, wizards, warlocks,... Whenever I try a ranger, fighter, barbarian,etc I find myself just waiting to the next random encounter or combat situation because most of the time I have little to no chance of intervene with a minimum chance of sucess, besides very obvious situations (Tracking something with a ranger, move or break something heavy or resist a constitution check, intimidate or hit something). Luckyly talk is a free action so it is not that you are doing nothing but...
So in most of those events I found myself thinking "Wow, I could totally do this with that spell/ help with that buff/use my familiar or summon.... instead of being here looking intimidating (Because due to encumberance penalties, you cannot even make most checks with all that armor unless a caster helped you with a spell). And you also cannot respec your class build while sleeping, but you can change your spells so the next day you can face different dangers with the same character, You can never go to sleep with your gruffy ranger and wake up being an expert diplomat, but you wake up with your bard or wizard and cast an ilusion spell, a buffing spell or spell-charm your way. You have the same skills but also you have the spells if the need arises. And normally you use a spell, even if it is only to buffing your character or one of your mates. Some classes excel, but only in a limited number of scenarios. Caster classes almost always gives you options with a little planning. Even if that option is simply support the others.

They say that it is less extreme in 5e, but I do not have the chance to try the new systems. Let´s see what they do with BG3.

Last edited by _Vic_; 07/07/19 10:58 AM.