Originally Posted by Try2Handing
Originally Posted by Archaven
Exactly. If they wanted a different game, they shouldn't have use the title Baldur's Gate 3. If it's going to play differently ala 4 party characters, turn-based and main focus was primarily co-op/multiplayer/DM/online they could really call it something else. Baldur's Gate Online, Baldur's Gate Turn-Based tactics, etc. Not to mention there's no continuation to the story of earlier baldur's gate. So using the title 3 here was primarily gathering attention and to gain press coverage. It seems really a disgrace and cheap advertisement. Possibly under instruction from WoTC though.

I used to defend their calling the game "BG3", and was fairly aggressive when someone said they had a problem with the game being called BG3. My stance basically is that I would have no problem with the game being called BG3 as long as it is a [i]Baldur's Gate game in terms of spirit, mechanics, feels, quality, and so on, even though the story will be something else entirely.[/i]

So if the game turns out to be not quite a Baldur's Gate game, I will probably feel a bit embarrassed. The game may be as good as D:OS2, but if it is a D:OS3 rather than a BG3, then calling it BG3 is not cool.

I suspect it will be the opposite! I.e., my prediction is that the BG3 story will connect meaningfully to the story the previous games with Bhaal having longer term, grander strategy than just what he was up to with the Bhaalspawns. I think they may even figure out a way for some Bhaalspawn to still be around. But on the other hand, the gameplay will be based on 5e, which will feel very different than the Infinity engine games. And they will try to develop AI that simulates a DM at a revolutionary level. And if so, then also the NPCs that join you may also have a mind of their own. So it will feel more like playing tabletop game.

Last edited by Lemernis; 07/07/19 01:21 PM.