Man this discussion is hillarious.
So without going into the individual points.

The argument presented against caster supremacy is: "I like it that way"
Well i dont. I prefer martial characters because i dont like the Wizard archetype.

And yes, wizards should be """Crippled""" because No, one class should not do everything. And whenever someone brings this up, you just repeat "but muh spellslots", yes, muh spellslots, thats the problem. Beeing able to change your loadout on a long rest.
Wizards shouldnt be less powerfull, they should have less utility, because right now they have ALL the utility.

And have you maybe considered, Victor, that no game made melee fun for you because you only play games that do melee badly?
You keep saying you dont like 4E, but you didnt play 4E, because 4E made melee combat fun.
And no it isnt "all the same", it just uses the same layout and thats why this lie gets parroted.

4E actually let melee characters do things without constantly houseruling. You could actually do things like goading people into attacking you, openng up opportunitites to let your allies attack, actually use your movement and footwork to your advantage, actually punish people for attacking the squisheis, beeing able to choose wether you hit hard or precise WITHOUT SPENDING TWO FEATS ON IT.

And as Vic said. Its about the non combat utility. Of which martial characters have none.
And which especialy wizards have all.
And come on, money cost, money cost is a joke in dnD. What else are you gonna spend money on anyway?
To that ill add, again: It should not be the DMs job to balance the game, the developer should do that. The DM should set the boundries and direct the expirience, he should not have to Houserule and constantly micromanage everything to make the mess of a game the developes made playable.

As for Sorcerors and Favored soul, that sorta stuff: yeah well they suck dont they?
In Tier lists they always come out way later than Wizard.
but they still are much better than martials due to out of combat utility, even if its more limited.

Last edited by Sordak; 08/07/19 09:19 PM.