Another to concider is multi-player, which will be in. Will each Player play a different character or will each Player have it's own party?

I think it will be like a mix of Wasteland 2 and Divinity: Original Sin 2.

What I think is we will start with 4 characters that like Divinity OS2 can be starter companions with more depths, or make your own characters with a bit less depth, but still having depth like Divinity: OS2 protagonist, but over time recruit new Companions.

Alternately like P:KM you will have a functionally a pool of party members party members, but if the party itself is the protangonist, there will just be companions and "mercenaries", but the mercenaries will have more depth, interactions, and personality, maybe even banter, then in P: KM, thanks to backgrounds and the decentralized character narrative of BG 3.

Last edited by Omegaphallic; 10/07/19 10:04 PM.