Thors "spell like ability" is him throwing a hammer.
his hamme ris a magic item that does two things
1. return
2. change the lenght of its haft
Thor is a martial, but a martial god.

Im not gonna let you redefine any example of a martial feat as "magic" so you have a case for saying Martials shouldnt be able to do it.

And yes, as said, Magic in Conan is just much weaker. a low level DnD wizard probably is gonna dab on Toth Amon, mostly because Conan wizards dont have a lot of direct magic as you pointed out yourself.
I dont argue that all Settings should be Conan, im arguing that if your Wizards are almost godlike in power at high levels, so should everyone else.
And everyone should have the same level of utility.

the problem with the Wizard utility is that it doesnt work in a team based game. Theres no point having a team when one character solves all problems.
and DnD is that, a team game. A wizard like he is in 3.5 works much better in a game like Elderscrolls (even tho morrowind is the only TES game where casters get even remoteley simmilar options to DnD) where you play a single character.