Joined: Jul 2019
Turn Based Combat or Real Time, please, allow pausing! I no longer have the eye-hand coordination that I had in my teens. I haven't finished DOS 1 or 2 yet, but one of the most annoying aspects for me is my character(s) having the ability to speak to animals, but it becomes an extremely dexterous mini-game just to target a rat or chicken. I don't particularly enjoy action games for similar reasons. I want to be able to rely upon my character(s)' merits rather than how fast I can point and click the mouse or mash any series of buttons together.
Joined: Aug 2017
Fair point. The game should be as accessible as reasonable possible for all gamers. No matter if we don't have any fast twitch muscle fibre still working!
Joined: Jan 2005
Absolutely, as an aged and afflicted person, speed of action and reaction can be a real problem, for me DOS2 has it just right.
Joined: May 2019
Yes I agree very much. Not allowing pause outside of combat was completely unjustified in the D:OS games.
Joined: Jul 2019
I vote for this option as well!
I recently purchased Pathfinder:Kingmaker and played for several hours before installing a mod that transformed the combat into turnbased. It was like the difference between night and day - able to actually control my characters' actions instead of jumping around the chaotic battlefield trying to time everything right.. so much better.
Never been a fan of RTS games, TBS has always been my thing.
Want to reiterate though, I said, "option" because I fully understand that many players, perhaps most, do prefer their combats fluid and quick. It'd be great if both modes were available as desired.
Joined: Mar 2013
unjustified? there mostly wasnt a need to out of rare cases like OP. i dont think its an opiton tha tmost people would think of , since the game otuside of combat was, outside of trying to steal things, mostly static. Especialy when considering you can just hold alt to see everything on screen an dalso have the top view for easier clicking
Joined: Jun 2019
With TB if you stop for each six second round will pause actually be necessary?
Joined: May 2019
With TB if you stop for each six second round will pause actually be necessary? We're talking about pausing outside of combat.
Joined: Jul 2019
With the newer information available, this request is worth repeating. If traps, weather, or anything needs to be dealt with in real-time, it's worth having the option to pause. Most game developers have had the sense to include pausing in games with real-time elements. It'd be a shame for it not to be included here. At least, give modders the ability to later add one, please.
Joined: Mar 2020
I do agree that pausing should be in combat and out of combat I like to take my time when fighting monsters and doing other stuff in video games
Cthulhu: FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS I LAY DORMANT, WHO HAS DISTURBED MY- Oh its you... Warlock: Greetings my lord- Cthulhu: LET ME SLEEP-
Joined: Feb 2020
You'll have a fantastic new option to pause the game oustide combats : the turn base whenever you want  Really don't understand the goal of this thing but you could use that to pause.
Last edited by Maximuuus; 08/03/20 07:06 PM.
Joined: Feb 2020
You'll have a fantastic new option to pause the game oustide combats : the turn base whenever you want  Really don't understand the goal of this thing but you could use that to pause. Yep, this should help people like OP quite a bit - I found clicking on rats kinda annoying in DOS 2 as well. The goal of that thing is to allow a turn based approach to stealth, solving complex traps or setting up your characters before engaging enemies. While I don't think this kind of stealth is good (basically you can sprint past someone for 6 seconds while he's staring at a wall for 1 second) I think it's quite nice for these other 2 reasons.
Joined: Sep 2015
One more vote for pause outside of combat.
As mentioned, in DOS1+2 it can be annoying to click on things that move. Sometimes I had to reload becuase I was cought stealing things when I was just trying to click on the shop owner.
I am worried that things can happen when I (the player) have to stop playing for some minutes. In the worst case my party could be ambushed by enemies who walk around. This is NOT a persistent game world like on MMO, its a normal RPG.
 Prof. Dr. Dr. Mad S. Tist  World leading expert of artificial stupidity. Because there are too many people who work on artificial intelligence already
Joined: Apr 2013
One more vote for pause outside of combat. Optional turn-based mode is already in the game, guys... /end thread
Joined: Mar 2020
You can enter turn based out of combat hence you can pause
Joined: Mar 2020
One more vote for pause outside of combat. Optional turn-based mode is already in the game, guys... /end thread Cool 
Cthulhu: FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS I LAY DORMANT, WHO HAS DISTURBED MY- Oh its you... Warlock: Greetings my lord- Cthulhu: LET ME SLEEP-
Joined: Mar 2013
You'll have a fantastic new option to pause the game oustide combats : the turn base whenever you want  Really don't understand the goal of this thing but you could use that to pause. Yep, this should help people like OP quite a bit - I found clicking on rats kinda annoying in DOS 2 as well. The goal of that thing is to allow a turn based approach to stealth, solving complex traps or setting up your characters before engaging enemies. While I don't think this kind of stealth is good (basically you can sprint past someone for 6 seconds while he's staring at a wall for 1 second) I think it's quite nice for these other 2 reasons. the pause is very important in dos2 during real-time. clicking NPCs or stuffs that moves are really PITA. i'm not sure this new turn-based feature can use to do that or just for sneaking though.
Joined: Feb 2020
You'll have a fantastic new option to pause the game oustide combats : the turn base whenever you want  Really don't understand the goal of this thing but you could use that to pause. Yep, this should help people like OP quite a bit - I found clicking on rats kinda annoying in DOS 2 as well. The goal of that thing is to allow a turn based approach to stealth, solving complex traps or setting up your characters before engaging enemies. While I don't think this kind of stealth is good (basically you can sprint past someone for 6 seconds while he's staring at a wall for 1 second) I think it's quite nice for these other 2 reasons. the pause is very important in dos2 during real-time. clicking NPCs or stuffs that moves are really PITA. i'm not sure this new turn-based feature can use to do that or just for sneaking though. You can use it at any time you want from what I saw so I don't see why not 
Joined: Mar 2020
sven even said specifically in the demonstration that one of the things pausing outside combat allows is to interact with moving things that are running from you like animals
Joined: Jul 2019
For all of the promises here that there would be a proper pause, I'm sure having difficulty finding it. I've searched through the entire keybinding list and have completely missed the option for simply pausing the game. Pressing escape, or possibly opening other windows, does pause the game, but it also quits out (or would have windows blocking) of the main screen. Can anyone tell me how to properly pause the game? Is there an option to properly pause the game, as was in the originals and almost any other game with real time elements? Where I'd still be in the main screen, be able to mouse over objects in it, and, possibly, queue a few actions?