vometia, yes, you are right. There are exaggerations but remember that Germany din't had much materiel available and had a lot of slave labor to use on Europe but IMO they lost the war much more because their leader stopped listening to his Generals than by other factors, anyway, my point is just that some times, balance goes against other things, like variety, immersion, consistency and in some times, world building. Look to War Thunder. Between nerfing planes like Me 262 and making the Me 262 to have less firepower, climbing and speed and be eqqual to same era planes, put then in a 0,001% change of getting on a lootbox or make the plane fight against cold war era planes, they decided by the last option. But on a SP game, you can make an unbalanced game and will be no problem.... Adolf Gallad said ". I would at this moment rather have one Me 262 in action rather than five Bf 109s." and note that BF 109 was not an bad plane for his era. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Galland#Innovations

Deprived class on Dark Souls is an example. If DkS was an MP game, nobody would pick an class that was made to be weak and give an massive disadvantage, mainly on earlier game.

Originally Posted by _Vic_
Originally Posted by SorcererVictor
Well, the last seasons that had no relation with the book are the worst ones.

But Larian had an hard challenge ahead. Imagine an monster that can cast Flesh to Stone spell or spell like ability that insta petrify on failed save. An BG fan will see it as "makes sense, is a medusa", but an D:OS2 would probably think that this is an unbalanced broken mechanic.

Actually, Dwarves in DoS2 have a racial ability that petrifies enemies and also does damage, so I do not think that is the case.

But as i've said, Petrify on DOS2 can be "negated" by magic armor https://divinity.fandom.com/wiki/Physical_and_Magical_Armor_(DoS2)

On DOS1, will be different but i din't played DOS1 so i can't give an honest opinion. And note that petrify works very different on both games. On NWN1, depends the difficulty. On Might & Magic VI, petrify is permanent and the unique spell that can counter(Stone to Flesh) have an time limit to work...

Last edited by SorcererVictor; 19/07/19 08:35 AM.