Originally Posted by SorcererVictor
Not mention, post WW1 firearms are insanely powerful [snippetypoo]

And pre, for that matter. I was talking to a chap round here who made a very, very powerful sort of "artillery crossbow" (my terminology, not his, as he actually knows what he's doing and makes proper period-correct stuff for major league films etc) which he demonstrated for me. He was actually going to let me have a go myself, which could be considered slightly reckless given I'm "that person" my managed to impale her own foot using a garden fork by aiming it at the ground and missing, but it wasn't quite ready. Anyway, I said "blimey!" at the noise, recoil and devastation to which he replied that actually it was less powerful than a .22. I know that momentum and power aren't the same thing (a fractional amount of my A-level physics has stayed with me) but the point was made.

Originally Posted by SorcererVictor
Cavalry charges against ranged enemies din't worked well since the battle of Agincourt and they had only longbows...

And in the 83rd century when we have another war caused by the usual "this would be much better if it was a video game", we'll still have cavalry charges even though the nuclear-powered anti-grav robo-sharks with lasers for eyes are incinerating them, because "robo-sharks know they shouldn't be using their eye-lasers against gentlemen. Oh, lawdy, my bottom's on fire, to quote Ms de Arc. Ouch."

J'aime le fromage.