Originally Posted by Dark_Ansem
I can't spend enough words to say how bad Pale Master is in vanilla NWN

I strongly agree. I love nwn, but pale masters are useless. Necromancer specialized wizard or conjurer are a little less useless but still too weak compared to a "generic" wizard. One thing that i miss from 3.5e is the OHK spells. Like Finger of Death, Wail of the Banshee, etc. 5e removed most OHK spells and on pathfinder, they only dealt an massive damage.

Originally Posted by _Vic_
Larian, voiced by Swen Vincke repeated in all interviews that the game will use the D&D Tabletop mechanics and combat with some adaptations to translate to a videogame (They usually refuse to compare with previous games but they always relate BG3 to the tabletop D&D)
"With respect to the combat system, this is based on D&D, so we’re using their combat system. We had to make a few tweaks"
Sc: https://www.pcgamesn.com/baldurs-gate-3/larian-developer-interview

The problem of that interview is that he don't mention what "few twaks" are, because an change on missing will lead to an chain reaction of changes. And that is my biggest concern. Note that i miss a lot on baldur's gate 1/2 and even in turn based games like Temple of Elemental Evil. I had an character with 7 DEX who due difficulties on resting, managed to miss 27 times in the roll.

And in modern games, i miss a lot on pathfinder kingmaker. An summoned army surrounded an enemy who was under the effect of icy prison spell, despite my high level party(16~20), i was missing around 85% of the hits. Note that i was targeting an Witch, not an Demigod Death Knight with +5 plate armor and all types of ungodly buffs to his AC.

[Linked Image]
Here is more screenshots of the encounter https://imgur.com/a/B4oBrm4

To be fair, is not hard to see complains about "complications"
"♥♥♥♥♥ overly complicated game ... why they didnt just make the gameplay similar to divinity original sins ... I enjoyed the game but compare to divinity original sins 2 this game is a massive ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ..... on the last chapter after i entered the portal I turned everything to the lowest difficulty because I couldn't ♥♥♥♥♥ kill the witch and now even with everything on low I'm stuck because I could not kill the wriggling man .." https://steamcommunity.com/app/640820/discussions/0/1735467426089656980/


But IMO D&D 6e is already easy to grasp enough. An game based on 5e will not receive massive negative reviews because "i can't hit an insect swarm with my axe" because there are no swarm rules. Much less save or be screwed spells/traps/abilities.

Here is an interesting video showing the evolution(and devolution of saves in 4e) in all D&D history. And the origins of the mechanic. Armor Class and Saving Throw are core pillars of D&D. I feat that they are part of "adaptations to translate to video games" considering some comments that i have heard.

Last edited by SorcererVictor; 11/08/19 09:17 AM.