Joined: Nov 2019
Hi, I registered to also provide feedback about this issue. I am not able to get through a particular battle in Reapers Cove, where Ifan ben-Mezd spawns after being spun in webs by the spider soon after entering the cave. Currently Ifan is dead, and every time I go in there with my three other companions, I get a crash when there is too much flames on the screen, and a creature either takes massive damage or dies from fire. When this happens, the screen seizes up, and I get the same crash to the switch home screen. It is a totally reproducable crash in a single battle. I can't continue with the game until I manage to resue Ifan, so I'm pretty much stuck until this issue is resolved. I'd be happy to give this Switch save over if I knew the process of doing so.
Thanks! M
Joined: Nov 2019
I am surprised QA can't reproduce this, over 50% of fights I do end up crashing, usually bigger ones with more visual effects where the game lags a bit and usually while casting a spell with visual effect. Any fights with multiple characters and a few environmental effects life fire, electrified water, steam and such will usually crash. It also seems like playing very slowly reduces the chance of crashing. So find a fight thats been reported to crash, get the most environmental effects everywhere and cast a ton of spells very quickly. Thats a 90% chance of crash on my switch. Handheld mode for me, havent tried dock mode.
If youve done all of this numerous times and never experienced any crash, I can see 2 possibilities: your QA are working on a setup different than us (not a basic switch or something) or the crash occur only on certain other unknown conditions possibly unrelated to the game like the amount of space left on the switch, some other games installed or not or whatever other weird interaction.
Joined: Nov 2019
Played 5 hours today in handheld mode, I experienced only 1 crash at the oil rig battle with lots of visual effects.
[quote=shadowmere]I am surprised QA can't reproduce this, over 50% of fights I do end up crashing, usually bigger ones with more visual effects where the game lags a bit and usually while casting a spell with visual effect. Any fights with multiple characters and a few environmental effects life fire, electrified water, steam and such will usually crash. It also seems like playing very slowly reduces the chance of crashing. So find a fight thats been reported to crash, get the most environmental effects everywhere and cast a ton of spells very quickly. Thats a 90% chance of crash on my switch. Handheld mode for me, havent tried dock mode.
For me the crashing seems way less frequent in handheld compared to docked but it is still there. The switch does perform differently depending on whether it is docked or not; 1080p vs 720p, over/under clocking of the GPU. So if the crashed are caused by visual effects, that could explain why at least I experience a difference between docked vs undocked. If QA tests the game undocked and has to play for +5 hours (like I did today) to experience a crash, I don't find it strange that they cannot reproduce this.
Last edited by turbok; 13/11/19 12:05 AM.
Joined: Nov 2019
I just had another interesting crash, this time a hanging issue.
I was in Driftwood, bartering with the weapon vendor. I pressed to accept the trade when I had forgotten to balance beforehand and the game hung. I know this because while the characters appeared to do their idle animations, the incessant audio about the void-fish was gone. I had to manually close the game and reopen.
Joined: Nov 2019
I also want to report that my game is crashing in nearly every fight now.
I'm on Switch Lite. Have been playing fine for around 20 hours until updating to the most recent patch. I'm in Act 2 and the game crashes in nearly every battle. Clearing Cache, reinstalling etc. did not work.
There might be a correlation I've noticed that it crashes when big explosions happen on screen but I've also noticed crashes in regular battle activity.
I think the patch should be reverted. The game is unplayable for me currently.
Joined: Oct 2019
I also want to report that my game is crashing in nearly every fight now.
I'm on Switch Lite. Have been playing fine for around 20 hours until updating to the most recent patch. I'm in Act 2 and the game crashes in nearly every battle. Clearing Cache, reinstalling etc. did not work.
There might be a correlation I've noticed that it crashes when big explosions happen on screen but I've also noticed crashes in regular battle activity.
I think the patch should be reverted. The game is unplayable for me currently. I play on the original Nintendo Switch, and before the update, no matter how much stuff was happening on the screen, the game didn't crash....but instead dropped frames massively. The game rarely crashed in battle, and crashed just a few times outside of battle, that is, until ACT IV (be wary), where the game started crashing while SAVING around 65%~70% of the time, which pretty much caused me to stop playing because whatever accomplishments I made before attempting to save would be lost (not saved). I've already submitted my Nintendo Switch cloud save file to the developers; now that this new update is out, hopefully, they can finally delve into our crashes. Now with this new update, I can only imagine how terrible it would run if I boot up the game again...so that'd be frequent crashes in battle on top of crashing during the saving/auto-saving process, which equates to an absolutely unplayable game. Technically speaking, I can only suspect that there are some nasty memory leaks and/or multi-threading tasks that get bogged up which causes the software to crash on the Nintendo Switch. I wish the development team the best of luck in releasing a performance patch for the Nintendo Switch version soon.
Last edited by TripMX; 13/11/19 06:19 AM.
Joined: Nov 2019
Hi !
Same story here, been playing for something like 30 hours and it keeps crashing during fight. It's very frustrating. It doesn't seem that there is a pattern in how it crashes it's just in plain middle of fights. I tried 5 time to kill "Mordus" but it always crashes at some point of the fight.
It's a shame cause I really love the game, you guys did an amazing work and i'm sure it will be fixed !
Thanks and good luck working on that !
Joined: Mar 2003
For those having at least moderately frequent crashes in combat, does the game also crash in Arena mode combat?
Joined: Nov 2019
I haven't tried Arena mode yet. I play solo adventure only.
Joined: Nov 2019
More infos about my systematic crash with the Advocate fight crash:
- I play in handheld mode - I don't play in english but in French (texts only) - Tactician difficulty - 0 mods enabled - Play with red lizard (main), ifan, fauve and sebille - Level 16 with 3 source points, end of act2, around 110h playing
Maybe some of you could find some similarity with my setup.
Joined: Nov 2019
Handheld, tactician, 0 mods, sebille solo lone wolf aero/hydro, act 2 lvl 12, playing in english but I live in quebec city.
Joined: Nov 2019
Created an account just to state that I'm having the same issue. This is incredibly frustrating. Game ran great before. Now I'm considering just quitting altogether with how much time I've wasted on load screens from all the crashing
Joined: Nov 2019
Hello, I also have created an account just to state that I have the same problem’ since this update. Really really frustrating, around 100h playing... Same thing when i take an old save... impossible to continue playing...
Does anyone have news from Larian? Can we do something??
Joined: Mar 2003
This is being actively investigated, with QA trying to reproduce this (on various systems and configurations, mostly unsuccessfully), the Switch programmers looking into anything that changed in the last update on Switch and other programmers looking in to everything that changed, in case this is a global problem, but only causing crashes on Switch due to the limited resources.
Is any one else experiencing (preferably frequent) crashes living in or near Dublin, Gent, Kuala Lumpur, Quebec City or Saint Petersburg? I will have to check on this, but it may be possible to arrange a visit to a studio (if there is somewhere available with no top secret stuff around) or a meeting somewhere with a programmer/QA. Debugging options are limited on retail Switch versions, through, so there is a limit to what could be done by anyone outside of the Switch developers.
Joined: Nov 2019
Hello, i registered to report i have also very frequent crashes after the update, from Germany, 80 hours in. It happens mostly after selecting a spell or when a spell is being casted. Also happens while / shortly after a character was hit. Most crashes occured in the oil mine with a lot of fire effects. I love this game so much i hope it will be fixed soon, cant play any further, very frequent, sometimes as soon as a save was loaded in a fight.
Last edited by shibbez; 14/11/19 09:07 AM.
Joined: Nov 2019
Hi everyone, Sorry to say that but I'm glad we are not the only one to have these issues  So we both play on two docked switch and we don't crash at the same time. I usually crash during battles or just after finishing one and my friend crashes at random moments. When we updated the game, we were just before completing the quest called A Web of Desire where Dorotya changes herself into a spider. We have tried to complete this battle like 4 times but it crashed everytime. Now we have regurlary crashes during battles and we make a lot of quicksave to avoid losing time. @Raze : We live in Liège, 2 hours from Gent if needed! Best regards, Furyan
Joined: Nov 2019
I live in quebec city and experience frequent crashes during fights. What can I do?
Last edited by shadowmere; 14/11/19 06:00 PM.
Joined: Nov 2019
Came here to say that sometimes the animation for the Impalement skill doesn’t show- the game will just pause for a second and then the oil surface suddenly appears. Reloading the game doesn’t always fix this. I don’t know if this issue is related to the game crashing for everyone else. (Switch version)
Joined: Nov 2019
I've been having crashes happening more and more frequently since the update, with the latest one today being after using cloak and dagger teleport outside combat (up until that point all other crashes were in combat)
Joined: Nov 2019
I've already reported my issue, but what I'm wondering is if this only affects games/saves that existed prior to the upgrade.
I'm going to wager that the QA/test infrastructure probably has more 'escape-proof' design with regards to fresh games, as opposed to prior saves.
Has anyone who's had this problem tried a fresh game? Has it fared any better? Just curious is all.