Originally Posted by kanisatha
Originally Posted by Omegaphallic
Originally Posted by Hawke
Originally Posted by kanisatha
This news interests me way more than BG3 at this point:


The game will be most likely an action RPG with the forgotten realms as a setting I doubt it will be very complex.
As I have already said Hasbro is makeing a lot of DND games at the moment BG3 will just be thae start.

Nathan Stewart has said that he started demanding the use of 5e rules for those that want a D&D video game licience.

Secondly they not only licienced a game studio with only one game released to do a D&D game, but then later straight up bought the company months later. That tells me that whatever prototype Tuque Studios came up with it got WotC so excited that they bought the company itself. They wouldn't do that for some crap action game. And I don't know if it's for the Forgotten Realms or not. It could be for Eberron or even a Ravnica RPG. Or an sequel to NWN2, or Pool of Radiance 2.

Yes it's for sure going to be 5e because WotC won't allow the use of any older edition for new games. Also, I believe there was a news story a while back when Tuque Games announced they were working on this game, that the game is set in the Realms. And it is also a new IP, so not a game in an existing franchise.

But I agree with some of the other posters here that I am very reserved in my judgement of the quality of this game. If it is a big-budget AAA game, it is extremely likely it will be an ARPG. Being an action game does not automatically make it a bad game. The Witcher 3 and DA:I are action games and I love them. Skyrim remains extremely popular, even if I personally did not like that game. But like others have said, I am skeptical that a studio with no significant record of making stellar RPGs is going to come up with a huge hit right out of the gate.

Action is very less compatible with 5e rules then RTwP.