Originally Posted by Omegaphallic
Look at the footage at the end with the Red Dragon being ridden by a Githyanki, that is NOT Cartoonish DOS2 style at all, it's hyper reastistic. More realistic then I've seen in actual movies.

Indeed. That may be a cutscene, but it still hints at the tone of the art direction. There's clearly a sense of epic storytelling involved (which I am happy to see from a studio I am not as familiar with). And with the inevitability that at some point the game will take us down to Hell, I am guessing we are in for quite a visual feast with images like this. Def exciting.

Originally Posted by Archaven
seems like there are some mocaps and moves like the witcher actor. really curious.. as it doesn't seems fit for baldur's gate.

Yea, I have to agree. I mean, we all knew it was never going to look like a flat, 2D Infinity Engine game and they stated they would be using a modified/updated DOS2 engine (actually, I think it was the next version of the engine - which could mean drastically different). Hard not to think about games like Jedi Fallen Order when you see the amount of mocap going on here. It can't all be for cutscenes.

Looks like we could be in for a very modernized Baldur's Gate game.

Originally Posted by dlux

350 people are officially working on the game. That is rather deep in AAA territory.

In my opinion, a turn-based game is probably too niche for a budget like that. If you want the Diablo and WoW millions, then it would probably be safer to take the realtime, partybased, multiplayer route.

Bingo. It's hard sometimes to step back from your own perspective on games, game systems, and accessibility issues and realize the bigger picture stuff like this. Even at this level of production, sales outweigh artistic integrity. WOTC has to make a profit here. So does Larian. To quote vometia in the 'ragin debate' thread from a couple weeks back, "I'll put up with TB if it's a series I'm already invested in or otherwise have a reason to be specifically interested, but if it's something that might've caught my attention and was 50/50 as to whether or not to buy it would push the consensus towards not interested."

So the big question is... did Larian make the right choice?

Were they smart?

Like you said. We'll see....