Originally Posted by Hawke
Originally Posted by Omegaphallic
DOS 2 had 200 people working on it as I understand it, BG3 have 350+ folks working on it and WotC input, so I recognize that it's going to be more expensive, but DOS made plenty of money, DOS2 made even more money and is still making money.

No, they didn't even have 80 at the release of DOS 2 in Sep 2017. https://www.mobygames.com/game/windows/divinity-original-sin-ii/credits I haven't seen a studio grow from indie to AAA this quickly in a long time they now have about 200 people + over a 150 working externally on the game.

Well they made alot of money on DOS2, heck its STILL making money!

If Larian Studios pulls this off it will be a game changer for them, D&D, and the entire game industry.