Joined: Mar 2003
It is this double standard that I am questioning. That isn't a double standard. Adding a turn based mode to a RTwP system is essentially automatically pausing and managing when NPCs can act. It may not be possible to add real time to a system designed from the start as turn based, and if there are no fundamental blockers (there would need to a system added to handle interrupting actions, etc), there would still be issue that would need to be addressed (for example, all animations and skill effects, etc, may need to be adjusted, since their time could suddenly impact balance where it isn't a factor in turn based). There may be time based mechanics it would be difficult or impossible to cut up into discrete turns, but in general adding turn based to a real time system is a lot easier than the other way around (depending on the details of the design).
Joined: May 2019
This would be perfectly fine if it were applied as a principle equally across the board. The issue is the double standard, that it totally makes sense for a RTwP to HAVE to include a TB option but a TB game shouldn't waste resources on adding a RTwP option. It is this double standard that I am questioning. A game designed around TB will have fewer, more meaningful encounters and games designed around RTwP usually have a higher volume of trash encounters. Translating those two between each other... A game where the encounters are designed around having RTwP would be minding numbing with a TB system slapped on. A game where the encounters are designed around having a TB system where a RTwP system is just slapped on will simply have incredibly difficult encounters. I hope they just pick a system and make it good. It's wasted resources either way if they're not going to dump a massive amount of time in balancing to make them both feel good. A BG1 & BG2 TB conversion would suck just as much as a D:OS 1&2 RTwP conversion, IMHO. Ok this I completely respect. I disagree, but I respect that you are treating both RTwP games and TB games equally. I wait to hear from TB fans why it is ok to expect a RTwP game to include a TB option but not ok to expect a TB game to include a RTwP option.
Joined: May 2019
It is this double standard that I am questioning. That isn't a double standard. Adding a turn based mode to a RTwP system is essentially automatically pausing and managing when NPCs can act. It may not be possible to add real time to a system designed from the start as turn based, and if there are no fundamental blockers (there would need to a system added to handle interrupting actions, etc), there would still be issue that would need to be addressed (for example, all animations and skill effects, etc, may need to be adjusted, since their time could suddenly impact balance where it isn't a factor in turn based). There may be time based mechanics it would be difficult or impossible to cut up into discrete turns, but in general adding turn based to a real time system is a lot easier than the other way around (depending on the details of the design). Nope, don't buy this for even one second. How very convenient for the TB side.
Joined: Jun 2019
Nope, don't buy this for even one second. How very convenient for the TB side.
And who care if you buy or not 
Joined: May 2019
Nope, don't buy this for even one second. How very convenient for the TB side.
And who care if you buy or not  And you're a hypocrit.
Joined: Jun 2019
Just a little over a week until we find out how smart.... or dumb... Larian is.  ... I've actually began to think about how graphics heavy the game will be. Obviously the dragon at the end was a cutscene, but that much mocap has me wondering if there will even be any isometric...
Joined: Mar 2013
Just a little over a week until we find out how smart.... or dumb... Larian is.  ... I've actually began to think about how graphics heavy the game will be. Obviously the dragon at the end was a cutscene, but that much mocap has me wondering if there will even be any isometric... what IF it isn't isometric? it's a witcher like 3rd person game? well then both RTwP and TB fans can argue no more *chuckle*
Joined: May 2019
I think it's possible they may come up with some system that is both third-person and TB. I personally would find it completely stupid, but they may think that's what it means to be cutting-edge, innovative, "next-gen", etc.
Joined: Nov 2019
The next King's Bounty game is apparently trying out 3rd person exploring a'la Withcer etc joined with turn based tactical combat. That's a game from a different genre sure, but it looks like it could work well for that and a new take on that series.
Joined: Sep 2017
The next King's Bounty game is apparently trying out 3rd person exploring a'la Withcer etc joined with turn based tactical combat. That's a game from a different genre sure, but it looks like it could work well for that and a new take on that series. I can say with absolute certainty that they have 3rd Person exploration as well. They use face-scanning which would be utterly pointless in anything but a 3rd Person/1st person camera. Anyone who still believes BG3 will be completely isometric is simply ignoring facts
Last edited by Hawke; 19/02/20 10:48 PM.
Joined: Jan 2020
Just a little over a week until we find out how smart.... or dumb... Larian is.  ... I've actually began to think about how graphics heavy the game will be. Obviously the dragon at the end was a cutscene, but that much mocap has me wondering if there will even be any isometric... what IF it isn't isometric? it's a witcher like 3rd person game? well then both RTwP and TB fans can argue no more *chuckle* Swen has already stated in an interview that the camera system would not be the same as D:OS, so you can probably assume that it won't be axonometric, or not exclusively so. Many games, including later D&D-based games used selectable and/or gamer-controllable camera systems. I don't actually understand why there is any assumption that BG3 is in any way limited by previous D&D games or previous cRPG games or Larian's previous games. Swen founded Larian because he wanted to make great video games. D:OS was the result of analysing where a small company without many resources could produce a profitable product, but that is not necessarily a comfortable place to stay, and not likely to be where Larian WANT to stay. You can read what Swen has said in various interviews in a variety of ways, and twist it to support what you want to be true. From the snippets in the teasers we have seen, clearly the production quality has taken a huge leap upwards, and the game is much more ambitious than Larian's previous games. It is encouraging to me that the studio are self-published and driven by a desire to produce the best game possible until they run out of money, but that still tells you very little about what they are aiming for. We'll see soon enough which of the game's preceding influences Larian consider most important.
Joined: Jan 2020
Right, dash requires a full action, so you cannot attack if you travel above your max movement in one turn. You can use whatever mental gymnastics you need to in order to justify RTwP being truer to PnP over TB - but there's literally a mechanic called turn order soooo. I'm all for the people that say they prefer RTwP games over TB. When you start saying that RTwP is better at translating the PnP experience, however, you're just flat out wrong. I'm not bashful about admitting I'm more of a fan of PnP over crpgs. I play crpgs because I like the underlying rpg system (DnD core rules) and every time I replay one I have a constant dull pain over the RTwP implementation. That's just my cup of tea tho, I'm not debating the merits of either system. Well, I actually suggested that something other than TB or RTwP might work better, somewhat as a devil's advocate. My personal preference for combat is RT control over one character with mechanisms in place to influence the others through pre-set instructions ( like DA:O ) or maybe shouted orders of some kind. Both RTwP and TB break the flow and require me to control the other characters, which I prefer not to do. What works best depends on what Larian are trying to do. If the intent is to provide a PnP 5e multiplayer simulator with BG3 as a game module, then you would follow the 5e rules and definitely implement it as TB, possibly requiring a DM seat to play. However, if the intent is primarily to provide an RPG video game that is based on the 5e rules, then their decisions are less clear cut. It depends more obviously on their "vision" for the game than what the rules themselves actually say. I don't remember any computer-based D&D title that actually implemented the PnP rules correctly and completely; some were always modified or dropped, either because they made no sense in a video game context, or because they were impractical to implement. As @Hawke points out in another post, creating video games is nowhere near as easy as many gamers think. I used to like PnP because of the feeling of being able to explore and interact, at will, with a completely different world, where combat was just one occasional activity. That has not really been possible in computer games yet, because building all the world-evolution systems that would be needed is beyond what is practical in a discrete game. So my best hope is for a well-written, well-paced story with multiple ways to advance; but my fear is that it will just be a series of fetch-and-carry quests inerspersed with unavoidable combat.
Joined: Mar 2013
So with the recent leaks, i guess we can conclude this discussion with:
Its both.
Congratulations, these 24 pages were literaly pointless, whod have thunk it
old hand
old hand
Joined: Jul 2019
So with the recent leaks, i guess we can conclude this discussion with:
Its both.
Congratulations, these 24 pages were literaly pointless, whod have thunk it Swen specifically said he wasn't going to do that, so it looks like he fibbed, or more likely like Owlcst saw the division this was causing in the fan base amd tried to solve it.
Joined: Jun 2014
Turn based. Video confirms.
Joined: Apr 2013
Yep. Shameless IP cash-in confirmed.
This isn't Baldur's Gate.
Joined: Feb 2020
Just made a new account (dunno what happend to my old, but nvm).
Larian as a very very old Baldurs Gate Fan i am just very ! disappointed.
This is not baldurs gate 3 what you are showing. This is DOS 2 Clone with even the same char-creation and ships in the beginning? The camera is also not rly good again, again a horribil turned-based fighting system..IN BALDURS GATE ?! Are you kidding us? Please....start again from scratch. This is no baldurs gate and will never be, sorry to tell you. Even the music is not fitting for baldurs gate world ( thou its not bad) and the graphic design is TOO colorfull and bright too. The maincharacter have only indirect dialoges, except in cutscenes ? Also an immersion-killer for me.
I will not buy it, im still disappointed from dos 1+2 and now dos 3 (cough bg 3-rippoff) will not be better. You had a huge chance to make something great, but this will not hype baldurs gate fans, im sorry. ( sorry for my emotional posting, but its just my disappointment)
Joined: Jun 2014
I mean, why is it IP cash when D&D is acrually turn-based?
Joined: Jun 2019
Yes DnD pnp is turn based, Dungeons and dragons online, neverwinter nights 1 & 2 Bg 1& 2 the rolls were behind the scenes to allow for a free flowing game. So as I said in a earlier post, its their game they have the right to make it anyway they want, I will have to hold out for neverwinter nights 3 or BG3. Pretty sad day
DRAGON FIRE-AND DOOM Dragons? Splendid things, lad-so long as ye look upon them only in tapestries, or in the masks worn at revels, or from about three realms off... Astragarl Hornwood, Mage of Elembar - Year of the Tusk
Joined: Jun 2014
There's a Neverwinter Nights 3 coming??