The following joke doesn't make fun of anyone. It contains no sex. It is not a sick joke. It is thoroughly appropriate for kids, and they will find it funny. So will adults. It probably works better when told out loud rather than being read. Anyway here we go.

A chicken walked into a library, went up to the librarian and said, "Buck. Buck."
The librarian ignored the chicken, but the chicken was persistent and kept saying, "Buck. Buck."
Finally the librarian figured it out and said to the chicken, "You want 2 books, don't you? Book. Book."
The chicken nodded it's head vigorously and again repeated, "Book. Book."
The librarian gave the chicken 2 books. The chicken left with the books and then returned them 25 minutes later, and this time said to the librarian, "Book. Book. Book."
"You want 3 books now don't you?" She gave the chicken 3 books. Again the chicken left and then returned later with the books. This went on for hours with the chicken asking for and taking 2 to 4 books at a time and then returning them a little later. Naturally the librarian's curiosity was aroused.
The next time the chicken came in and asked for 2 books--saying, "Book. Book." The librarian gave the chicken the 2 books and then followed the chicken to see where it went and what it did with the books. The chicken went down the road a little ways and then turned off into the woods. Finally the chicken arrived at a pond where a frog was sitting. The chicken put the 2 books down in front of the frog who looked at the books and said, "Read it. Read it."

The question is not, Can they reason? nor, Can they talk? but, Can they suffer?
~Jeremy Bentham