Joined: Jun 2019
Being a fan of real time combat, like many others I had the air knocked out of me yesterday. However I was scrolling through the steam store and came across - Pillars of Eternity 2 : Deadfire From what I am reading this game has the capability to run both Turn based and Real time, there is one catch though, you can't switch back and forth, you have to pick one or the other at the beginning of the game, which is fine with me I believe your in one camp or the other. So there is HOPE , that a big name player like Larian will create both... well thats my hope anyway. Please Larien tell me there is hope...  - Doom
Last edited by Doomlord; 29/02/20 02:30 AM.
DRAGON FIRE-AND DOOM Dragons? Splendid things, lad-so long as ye look upon them only in tapestries, or in the masks worn at revels, or from about three realms off... Astragarl Hornwood, Mage of Elembar - Year of the Tusk
Joined: Feb 2020
Pretty sure Sven made it crystal clear they go TB only. I'd rather have a really well-polished TB combat system than 2 half-assed combat systems (atm it just reminds me of X-COM).
Joined: Jun 2019
Pretty sure Sven made it crystal clear they go TB only. I'd rather have a really well-polished TB combat system than 2 half-assed combat systems (atm it just reminds me of X-COM). Thanks for the input Silentsnake. I agree I don't want a half assed game. But Im sure if Obsidian can do it so can Larian. With that said, I may come around. I know the first time I played Neverwinter nights it was a year or so after I started Dungeons and Dragons online, and the combat was way diffrent but a couple hours into it I really started to get use to it and started enjoying myself.
DRAGON FIRE-AND DOOM Dragons? Splendid things, lad-so long as ye look upon them only in tapestries, or in the masks worn at revels, or from about three realms off... Astragarl Hornwood, Mage of Elembar - Year of the Tusk
Joined: Feb 2020
It's subject to preferences, I can see advantages to both of them, but I would also -love- to have the option of either style. I agree that Larian is an incredible studio capable of producing great quality in their games; if Obsidian can do it, so can they. Pretty much echoing Doomlord's sentiments here, I'm sure I could come to love the game's direction as it stands, but I feel confident it could be even better with this option. If they needed to tack another month or four onto the release date to polish it up, that is absolutely something I'd be happy with and I think others might be as well.
Joined: Feb 2020
Pretty sure Sven made it crystal clear they go TB only. I'd rather have a really well-polished TB combat system than 2 half-assed combat systems (atm it just reminds me of X-COM). Thanks for the input Silentsnake. I agree I don't want a half assed game. But Im sure if Obsidian can do it so can Larian. With that said, I may come around. I know the first time I played Neverwinter nights it was a year or so after I started Dungeons and Dragons online, and the combat was way diffrent but a couple hours into it I really started to get use to it and started enjoying myself. Personally, I don't understand why they wouldn't make an isometric game since the genre did get revived with pillars of eternity in 2015. To me it looks like they are just used to working with the tools and engine they already have so they are making a heavily modded DOS game. I feel betrayed and disappointed because of this decision as I was expecting something built from ground up to show Baldur's Gate legacy proper respect. I have no doubt that Larian has the talent and passion for the game and they will do their best, but it still feels VERY cheap somehow... Makes me really sad.
Joined: Jul 2019
Pathfinder WOTR will have turn based and real time with pause and can switch between the 2 on the fly.
Joined: Feb 2020
Echoing something i herd yesterday. Why would WoTC go to Larian to make this game if they wanted a game closer to what POE did? Or Pathfinder KM did? I understand the disappointment and what you wanted and everything like that but They were chosen for a reason and interviews ive seen seem to imply that reason is because this game is supposed to mirror tabletop and TB does that.
Joined: Jul 2014
Echoing something i herd yesterday. Why would WoTC go to Larian to make this game if they wanted a game closer to what POE did? Or Pathfinder KM did? I understand the disappointment and what you wanted and everything like that but They were chosen for a reason and interviews ive seen seem to imply that reason is because this game is supposed to mirror tabletop and TB does that.
WotC didn't go to Larian, Larian went to WotC and asked them for a license to make a Baldur's Gate game. WotC agreed to let them. Larian have said in an interview that the decision to use TB combat was theirs, and not WotC's. I also read in another post that Larian originally were thinking of making it RTwP. So, it sounds like the style of combat system is entirely in Larian's hands.
Joined: Feb 2020
Echoing something i herd yesterday. Why would WoTC go to Larian to make this game if they wanted a game closer to what POE did? Or Pathfinder KM did? I understand the disappointment and what you wanted and everything like that but They were chosen for a reason and interviews ive seen seem to imply that reason is because this game is supposed to mirror tabletop and TB does that.
WotC didn't go to Larian, Larian went to WotC and asked them for a license to make a Baldur's Gate game. WotC agreed to let them. Larian have said in an interview that the decision to use TB combat was theirs, and not WotC's. I also read in another post that Larian originally were thinking of making it RTwP. So, it sounds like the style of combat system is entirely in Larian's hands. The story as ive herd it is Larian went to WoTC, they said no. DOS2 did well they called them in asked them for the plan and said yes. Also when WoTC was askng who would do it basically everyone at the meeting said they wanted Larian to do it. This is the story that was usually told at the duel interviews after it was first announced. I was not familier with them saying TB was their alone and they were planning at RTwP at some point but i would love to see it, im excited to find any new info about the game and new interviews
Joined: Jul 2014
The story as ive herd it is Larian went to WoTC, they said no. DOS2 did well they called them in asked them for the plan and said yes. Also when WoTC was askng who would do it basically everyone at the meeting said they wanted Larian to do it. This is the story that was usually told at the duel interviews after it was first announced.
I was not familier with them saying TB was their alone and they were planning at RTwP at some point but i would love to see it, im excited to find any new info about the game and new interviews
Here, Swen says that he approached WotC to make BG3: https://youtu.be/jD5iycL9Kx8?t=458I'm not sure in which post I read it said that Larian thought of doing RTwP first, but that idea seems to be contradicted by this comment from David Walgrave, where he also says that the choice to do TB combat was Larian's: https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2020-02-27-baldurs-gate-3-interviewThe choices that we made are ours. Why did we go for turn-based instead of real-time with pause? Because D&D to us is a turn-based game and we're really good - or we have become really good - with turn-based combat. So that, I think, is one of our strengths, and trying out real-time with pause for now, just because the originals were that? It's a big risk. Because the team would have to think completely differently, our combat would be completely different. And we didn't really feel good about that. Normally we do try out a lot. Normally we try out a lot before we make a decision, but with real-time with pause and turn-based we didn't, we just said "Okay it's just gonna be turn-based." I find that his claim that it felt too risky to try to make RTwP means that the decision to make a "BG3" make no sense. If they were too afraid to do anything other than make D:OS3... then why did they ask to make BG3? They should have just made D:OS3 and called it D:OS3. And this means that the decision to do TB is confirmed to be a sell-out move - they wanted the series name but didn't want to risk profits, so they just disregarded what the series represents to its fans.
Joined: Mar 2003
Here, Swen says that he approached WotC to make BG3: Yes, MadameStrangeluv said that, as well, and is correct about the way it happened. Here is a description when the answer is longer than a few seconds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IH1Xte953fY
Joined: Aug 2013
Be realistic: Maybe modded RTwP, certainly not out of the box or via DLC (anytime soon, ie the next few years)
"I don't make games to make money, I make money to make games". (Swen Vincke)
Joined: Feb 2020
Pathfinder WOTR will have turn based and real time with pause and can switch between the 2 on the fly. Pathfinder is an oldschool rpg. I like it, but what lots of us waited was a completely new and updated to 2020 RTwP gameplay. But it seems impossible to imagine to lots of players according to the discussion on every forums since 2 days. Anyway, this new Larian game seems good but it seems this new BG3 have already deceived many many players arroubnd the world.
Last edited by Maximuuus; 29/02/20 01:06 PM.
Joined: Sep 2016
I just hope all the rtwp complaints don’t make them scrap turn based mode. Rtwp is why I’ve not been able to last more than a few hours in the previous Baldur’s Gate games. It’s poor design and isn’t reflective of what a dnd campaign actually plays like. Turn-based is the best option for dnd.
Last edited by Trynvae; 29/02/20 01:29 PM.
Joined: Jun 2014
Be realistic: Maybe modded RTwP, certainly not out of the box or via DLC (anytime soon, ie the next few years) Mod support hasn't been confirmed yet.
Joined: Feb 2020
Echoing something i herd yesterday. Why would WoTC go to Larian to make this game if they wanted a game closer to what POE did? Or Pathfinder KM did? I understand the disappointment and what you wanted and everything like that but They were chosen for a reason and interviews ive seen seem to imply that reason is because this game is supposed to mirror tabletop and TB does that.
As a poster above mentioned ,Larian went to WoTC , and also , Larian's storytelling skills and writing are far better than PoE and other similar games , which is the reason i believe WoTC agreed to give them the liscense , one of Baldur's gate strongest points have been the storytelling/dialogue/writing etc , and other RPG elements , the turn based combat of OS wasn't the appeal  trust me...it was everything else Larian does well. And i guarantee you most people who bought and finished OS2 mostly did it for all the other positive aspects of the game and not the combat , i did the same , i am currently playing OS2 and only about a third done with Driftwood act 2 area..and the game's been out for like 2,5 years , it took me this long because the TB combat was so off putting from the first OS , i just couldn't bare to go through it again , but i kept kept hearing only positive reviews in regards to everything else the game had to offer , and i've been having a rough time with find a good new fantasy medieval themed game to play (i only play exclusively medieval fantasy games , from all genres and perspectives and most likely played and finished all these games that exist on PC , but no shooters or guns or scifi garbage in my games please and thank you...except Serious Sam , love that one :)) ) and so here i am. And i completely agree , i don't think there's a single thing i dislike from this game except the combat , and the fact that randomised loot can roll with stats for inappropriate class , like getting strength requirement items that have hydro/pyro or huntsman or similar situations ,but that's ok , there's enough loot in the game to balance everything out. But when the combat starts , i open up my secondary monitor and watch something on youtube or a TV show, TB just doesn't work for an Action RPG....because...well...where exactly is all the action :))) the action is chess basically , and i can play chess while doing something else , but that kills the immersion of the game big time , and i do this for no other game except OS , not even for Heroes of Might and Magic and Disciples series which are both turn based, at least the turns in those games take anywhere from 5-15 or 20seconds AT THE MOST and i don't feel the need to switch to the other monitor and do something else , but here , if you're in a team fight and you complete your characters actions , then you can safely go to the bathroom and make a sandwich and by the time you're done , hopefully the turn has ended  , i know i exagerated a little at the end ,but all of you get what i'm saying 
Last edited by Robymyz; 29/02/20 02:37 PM.
Joined: Feb 2020
Echoing something i herd yesterday. Why would WoTC go to Larian to make this game if they wanted a game closer to what POE did? Or Pathfinder KM did? I understand the disappointment and what you wanted and everything like that but They were chosen for a reason and interviews ive seen seem to imply that reason is because this game is supposed to mirror tabletop and TB does that.
As a poster above mentioned ,Larian went to WoTC , and also , Larian's storytelling skills and writing are far better than PoE and other similar games , which is the reason i believe WoTC agreed to give them the liscense , one of Baldur's gate strongest points have been the storytelling/dialogue/writing etc , and other RPG elements , the turn based combat of OS wasn't the appeal  trust me...it was everything else Larian does well. Larian went and got denied then WoTC went to them and said yeah because they showed interest before. WoTC also said they picked Larian because it reminded them of playing D&D and captured that feeling. I would say its a bit of both but i agree, im not a big fan of DOS2 combat system choices, i enjoy the turn based aspect but oh boy that shield system. Im excited to get a game from them with 5e
Joined: May 2019
Pretty sure Sven made it crystal clear they go TB only. I'd rather have a really well-polished TB combat system than 2 half-assed combat systems (atm it just reminds me of X-COM). Amazing how this argument is made ONLY when people want a RTwP mode for a TB game, but never when people want a TB mode for a RTwP game.
Joined: May 2019
Pathfinder WOTR will have turn based and real time with pause and can switch between the 2 on the fly. Pathfinder is an oldschool rpg. I like it, but what lots of us waited was a completely new and updated to 2020 RTwP gameplay. But it seems impossible to imagine to lots of players according to the discussion on every forums since 2 days. Anyway, this new Larian game seems good but it seems this new BG3 have already deceived many many players arroubnd the world. Well it's a Larian game, and Larian is obviously a one-trick pony that does not have the technical chops to handle RTwP. Personally, I think even Bioware creates better RPGs than Larian.
Joined: Mar 2013
the new owlcat game is gonna have both. but the new owlcat game is also usinga different engine and basing the turn based mode on a mod.
The other poste ris of course correct. WOTC went to Larian because they saw what larian did. Meanwhile Beamdog got shafted because they got stuck on the details rather than the spirit (also annoying twitter politics) Sawyer from obsidian pretty much admitted that Larian outdid them in the CRPG game, its no wonder WOTC decided they wanted a forward thinking game
>Larian is a one trick pony Compared to Bioware? So youre saying the company that made Diablo like hack and slash, third person oblivion style RPGs, Dragon flight RTS with dating sim elements, turn based CRPGs and RTWP crpgs are a one trick pony?
While Bioware made CRPGs with Cringey romances and Shooter RPGs with cringey romances.
>Technical chops thats why so many tripple A studios make RTWP games and not tiny indie projects... RTWP fans always want to elevate their archaic combat method to something higher. "Oh its hard to pull of" "It requires more thinking!" "Its more tactile" No. Its a bad system heralded by a single engine, created pretty much on accident because the company wanted to make an RTS game first.
Last edited by Sordak; 29/02/20 04:55 PM.