Baldurs gate was NEVER ...

1. Goofy representation of movement
a. Jumping with weird sound effects and animation as though every action is magical
b. Landing with the impact of a meteor strike ??
2. Weird sound effects
a. Select the character and point at an enemy (magical sound)
b. fire a standard arrow (magical sound)
c. over the top sound effects
3. Lack of spell verbal casting
4. BG was never DOS (and DOS is never BG).

I can still go for Turn-based or RTwP and be ok, but the game should be more like the original. Not more as in playing the same or even the mechanics, but the essense. What I mean is paying tribute to the high fantasy and deep-rooted core of its D&D history. Bioware knew they were making a digital representation of a D&D world and worked hard to make the game serious in tone and presentation (even with some humor thrown in).

DOS is not and has never been that type of game. It has always been a little goofy and less serious. The only thing that seemed serious in tone in BG was the cinematics. The actual gameplay, movement, sound effects, and animations not so much. If I were not told this was BG, I would not guess it was BG, I would guess DOS3