Larian's "BG3" even uses the D:OS2 mouse cursors, text font, and goofyish movement animation style, so it looks and feels all the more like playing D:OS2. It really doesn't give an impression that it's a different game.
--- So much this ^^^ (the sound effects?? selecting, aiming, shooting, animation... this is DOS3)...
While I agree... I think people need to remember that they just announced that they were working on it 8 months ago. Most of this stuff is probably just placeholders. It takes a lot of time and work to make a game and all of this is, essentially, just finishing touches. The community was losing their mind over not having any substantial updates - so they put something basic together.
That may be the case but it may be not too. We can only speak about what we've seen and what we know. We also don't know how they'll look if they change them.