I am starting this thread as a place for those who prefer RTwP combat in BG3 to make their voices heard. This is NOT yet another TB v. RTwP debating thread. This is ONLY about promoting to Larian a request to include us RTwP fans into the game by creating an OPTIONAL RTwP combat mode in the game, with a full understanding that the game won't be expected to be balanced for both modes and will of course be balanced only for the existing TB combat system.

Please also keep from posting comments that this will never happen or that Larian has already said they won't do this. Things change. Plans change. For Larian it's not a matter of money or personnel or technical capabilities because Larian has plenty of all of that. This is just about whether you, the individual gamer, supports this idea of Larian being inclusive and bringing in RTwP fans, so very many of whom are diehard fans of the BG franchise, by incorporating an optional RTwP mode in the game. Yes or no?