For those people who want to convince you that this isn't BG3, they are literally trying to convince you that 1 + 1 = 3. They want to change the facts because there losing an argument.
That's not constructive, it's Baldur's gate 3 because Wizards of the Coast and Larian studios came to an agreement that they will continue the DnD franchise in the Sword Coast and Baldur's gate. Also, the fact that the game will actually visit Baldur's gate at some point and continues a story line set by WOTC.

Now, if you don't like the current story line and live in the past and want to play BG1-2 all over again because of your nostalgia, go ahead. But just because story lines evolved and computer hardware has evolved and we can play games that are better designed then the baldur's gate 20-25 years ago on a computer that is out of date and visuals that doesn't even compare to BG3, that doesn't mean your right to say this isn't BG3.

Larian studios has acquired the right to call it BG3 with a combination of marketing and staying true to the franchise by it's game play. I personally love the visuals of this game because it has evolved in my opinion to a better representation of DnD races, fantasy setting etc... Oh, and nostalgia shoudn't be your only parameter to judge a game, although it is important and there still room for improvement but many of you just seem to be coming off as oh well I want to go back and playing this ..