Ignoring these interesting "facts", please tell me how you know the story has nothing to do with the narrative and/or characters in those 2 games. Oh you don't? OK.
Wrong. We know that Larian's game's story has nothing to do with the story and characters of BG1 and BG2 because Larian have stated so.
Just like you decided to ignore everything out of your favor so shall I. Can I get a source on that please?
Don't lie to me and to everybody else here. I have answered and refuted everything you claimed. And you have only heaped absurdity upon absurdity. If I come across that comment being made by Larian again, I will post it. But Larian have confirmed that their D&D DOS2 clone doesn't involve BG1 and 2's story or characters.
I see, now I'm a liar as well and you're incapable of providing a shred of proof to the last argument you're clinging to. Claiming something is absurd does not make it absurd. You, sir, have the vocabulary that allows you to make any point you wish in a sentence so short you'd make pretty much anyone impressed - instead you're using it to obfuscate any meaningful points with long words and even longer sentences. I think I'm done with this debate with you since your modus operandi is personal attacks without actually backing up a single statement.