"A straw man (or strawman) is a form of argument and an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not presented by that opponent." which is the only thing you've been doing this entire time. Claiming others have said something they haven't (lying) or "misinterpreted" with malicious intent - a very clear straw man in each and every case.
The ONLY case where you stood a chance of refuting it you've decided to cut my comment short. How fitting.
Talk about "much intellectual resources".
So... in other words, none of your accusations of strawman arguments of mine are actually strawman arguments - just like I said. So, you used a phrase you didn't grasp the meaning of and proceeded to repeatedly make absurd non-arguments, due to not having any ground to stand on. And now you're trying to run from that fact by posting the proof that you were wrong all along - which everybody can see, BTW. Will you ever cease acting dishonestly?
Hmm, so basically you're saying that for example, in this very specific case, me not understanding what a strawman is due to not "much intellectual resources" and thus making myself a fool, is being dishonest?
That, by very definition, is the structure of a strawman argument - while I hate taking wikipedia as a quote (as I've done in my previous post since I'm lazy) I feel like I must:
The straw man fallacy occurs in the following pattern of argument:
Person 1 asserts proposition X. Person 2 argues against a superficially similar proposition Y, falsely, as if an argument against Y were an argument against X.
Also, very lovely way of taking the whole *Insert quote to make myself look smart* comment about you completely out of context, thus completely destroying any signs of sarcasm whatsoever (which you've also done with the two cases of sarcasm in my first post).
You've accused me of several things and disregarded all of my arguments as strawman arguments and knee-jerk reactions, while all you've done is decided to interpret everything as whatever you want, claiming what everyone else is actually claiming in every single sentence and presenting THAT as the truth. You're actually right, this isn't a strawman policy in most cases, it's blatant lying and malicious misinterpretation.