Originally Posted by Delicieuxz
Originally Posted by Ugmaro
Wait, did anyone actually hope for the actual story of the Bhaalspawn to continue after the way BG2 ended?

You are dishonest and disgraceful to the core. What I and Adgaroth have told you directly refuted your accusation of:

Originally Posted by Ugmaro
Interesting. Apart from ignoring the fact that I did in fact play both BG 1&2, you've went on to claim I'm a fanboy that wants nothing more than a D:OS 2 copy. Ignoring these interesting "facts", please tell me how you know the story has nothing to do with the narrative and/or characters in those 2 games. Oh you don't? OK.

Instead of acknowledging that you stuck your foot in your mouth yet again, for the umpteenth time, you're trying to bluff your way out of it and pretend that the idiocy here wasn't your own.

Again, claiming I'm saying something I'm not. I very clearly said (and thankfully you didn't edit my post by cutting out half the the sentence this time) that they didn't say it has nothing to do with the narrative and/or characters (i.e., the story), and I never said it is a direct continuation of BG2's story.

YET AGAIN you're lying and saying others are lying. Please stop this madness