Originally Posted by Adgaroth

Well,the fact is that he said the BG1 AND BG2 story is closed,the game happens 100 years after that,and Descent into Avernus is it's precuel. I said nothing but there'll be characters of the previous installments on the new one. I don't see how that adds so much weight to what you're trying to prove.

I never said that they said the story would be a direct continuation, I said that "please tell me how you know the story has nothing to do with the narrative and/or characters in those 2 games." - which are two VERY separate things, which Delicieuxz is trying to equate in order to look smarter than he is and create anger.

I suppose he succeeded. smirk

Last edited by Ugmaro; 02/03/20 12:06 AM. Reason: correction