Originally Posted by theNight
Hey everyone,
I don't think that there is a bigger fan of the original game than myself. BG2 is undoubtedly one of my favourite games ever - if not the one (together with Fallout 2, Mass Effect 2, Icewind Dale, Deus Ex, Dungeon Keeper and a couple of others) and I have been a dungeon master for AD&D for a couple of years back then - enjoying the sh*t out of it all the time.

Until now, I still remember fighting high-level wizards for hours, killing Firkraag with that smoke cloud trick, exploring the tiny details of all fascinating magical items (viva la Shadow Hunter) and being overwhelmed continuously by Faerun and everything that it has to offer — not mentioning the sheer richness of the adventure itself - discovering cities, nature, caves, Underdark, underwater worlds, stinky sewers or cunning demi-liches.

I understand that similarities between DOS2 and the BG3 gameplay are currently too much and quite obvious, but let's stop for a while and think about this:

- There is not a more suitable developer in the world for the new BG game than Larian. With all due respect towards the other titles like POE2 or Pathfinder - no one currently possesses more talent, budget, passion or experience than them. Compared to this they will still be indie-like computer games.
- The thought of being back in Forgotten Realms is just captivating.
- We will not achieve anything with hate; the community needs to be supportive here and provide constructive criticism rather than spewing disgust. It will eventually help no one.
- There is still so much time before seeing how the real product will look like, let's use the chance and chip in as much as we can to get it done. Everyone acts like this was a final product already.
- Let's not overreact - the presented gameplay is obviously not truly reflective of the whole story, just a showcase of the foundations.
- The cinematic itself was mindblowing, no other CRPG currently in production will have a similar number of people and budget working on a single project.

We are all in this together, let's buckle up, prepare for the ride and help Larian deliver the best possible experience for everyone.

Sorry but I completely reject this and I am not in this together with you. Larian has not yet made a game that I consider to be worthy, so I can and do question whether they are the best for this project. And just like you, I also can and will claim that there is no bigger fan of the original games than me.