I find the dialogue about the Jews and the clown and Hitler to be offensive. I don't know about the rest of your quotes, because I stopped reading after that one.
I myself have posted ethnic jokes, but I try to keep them good natured.

OK. Back to jokes.
Why do chicken coops have 2 doors?
Because if they had 4 doors they would be called chicken sedans.

Are blonde-jokes unethical? its a joke not an insult. Humor is a way to make soften often tragic subjects, there have been a dumpload of 9/11 jokes, still most of them don't mean any disrespect or discrimination.

bleh jokes:

why did napoleon wear a green belt on weekdays and a red belt on weekends?
- otherwise his pants would fall off.

Two blondes are walking over the street, says one to the other, now its my turn to walk in the middle.

[color:"red"] warning, sleezy.
warning, sleezy.
warning, sleezy. [/color]

3 guys in heaven where given a second chance;
A) can live unless he's violent again
B) can live unless he sexually abuses someone again
C) can live unless he does his exhibitionist tricks again

so they all 3 go to a bar and start drinking a couple beers, A asks for another beer but the barman refuses because he's closing, he takes a dime and trows it towards the barman. POOF! and A has dissapeared. The dime bounces near C's feet, C bends to pick up the dime and POOF both B and C dissapear.

It's one of these days...