It's BG3 because they were given the BG IP to use. And it takes place in the BG universe. And it takes place in the BG timeline. And the events of BG 1 & 2 are canon to the events in BG3.
Huh. Seems like BG3 to me. You know, because the game-engine & mechanics have little..actually, have NOTHING to do with game sequels and in-universe lore.
Fallout 3 was not the same as 1 & 2. World of Warcraft was not an RTS. Kid Icarus was a side scroller. KI: Uprising was an amazing on-rails shooter plus 3D shooter for the ground battles. Castle Wolfenstein was, again, a side-scroller before becoming a 3D FPS. Duke Nukem, AGAIN, was a side scroller, then an FPS.
This is the same thread as the Steam forums; people angry that BG3 is not real-time w/ pause, because they can't take off their nostalgia goggles and accept something new.
We get it; you're angry that BG3 is not going to be a carbon copy of a 20 year old game who's combat was the worst part of it. You're angry that Larian did not know to psychically contact you to let YOU decide how they should spend their millions of dollars to create the game. And you're angry that other people are going to like something you hate.
As I've said on the Steam forums; no one cares. Go back to Pathfinder: Kingmaker and let the fans enjoy a perfectly good, perfectly enjoyable turn-based D&D game. Kingmaker, for me not liking RTwP, is a perfectly fine D&D game.
Go away and let us fans enjoy what will be another perfectly fine D&D game with a combat system we can enjoy.