Originally Posted by dmsephiroth
And on the steam forum:


So pls let others do not like something, you like.

You hatespeech us bec. we do not like something you do, but critisize us for the same? Funny guy/girl.

Everyone has the right to critisize something. If you cannot stand that, do not come to a forum and read.

And it has nothing to do with nostalgia goggles.

The fighting-system in bg was far superior than most of modern RPG's, even if YOU did not like it. Just accept it, thank you.

And if i make a game named baldurs gate 3....OFC the old fans will have some hopes and thoughts bout the product of that.
They should haved named it DOS 3 or something like that. Then the rumours and heavy feelings would not have happend here at all. But i guess you cannot understand that.

You're really going to say I don't understand, when I just told you literally every reason why it's a legitimate sequel? You're argument for why it's NOT a Baldur's gate sequel is basically 'The mechanics changed'.
And argument I already shot down. But I don't understand?

Uh-huh. Sure, buddy. It's pretty clear YOU don't understand, and ignored half of my post that took apart your complaints, just so you could continue complaining.

And you're allowed to not like something..somewhere else.
The forums should be for the fans to have a place to enjoy something without harassment and negative posts.

You don't see me going onto Pathfinder: Kingmaker's forums and complaining that it should have been turn-based from the start. Why? Because they have a right to enjoy their game and community without negativity.
Plus, it would be stupid for me to demand a developer change their game to appease me, who would be in the minority at that point.

So once again:
t's BG3 because they were given the BG IP to use.
And it takes place in the BG universe.
And it takes place in the BG timeline.
And the events of BG 1 & 2 are canon to the events in BG3.

Game mechanics are the WORST way to ask for a sequel. Game mechanics change was technology grows and improves. I also already listed a number of games that changed full GENRES, not just MECHANICS, and succeeded.

So stop and let us enjoy the hyper for a good game.
A good game, regardless of how RTwP people feel.
A good game that will be turn-based no matter how hard people complain otherwise.
A good game that is, regardless of inane complaints, a Baldur's Gate sequel.