Cool what I would like to now about Baldur’s Gate 3 is will we be able to pick a deity without being a divine class in Baldur’s Gate 1 and Baldur’s Gate 2 you had to be a cleric to be able to pick a deity also will we have the aberrant mind sorcerer in Baldur’s Gate 3
Dude, Aberrant mind is UA content. It's not even in publication yet. Why would it be in the actual game?
Originally Posted by H0RSE
1. The overall aesthetic did not look/feel like Baldur's Gate, and I'm not even talking about the fact that it's in 3D now. The atmosphere, the sound, the tone, even the UI, none of it really looked like BG.
2. The lack of rtwp combat. Yes, it really is that big of a deal, as it is a fundamental feature of all of the old Infinity Engine games, and even the NWN games. You could even look at it as the feature that separates those that are looking to play a BG game and those that are looking to play a 5e DND game set in the BG world. I say just add the option to play either turn-based or rtwp.
1. You saw next to none of the game. Nobody so far has been able to actually quantify this to me in a way that didn't sound like "Why doesn't this look and sound like a 20 year old game that had half of it's design choices made out of necessity rather than preference?"
2. It's a big deal to you, and a very vocal minority. It's a big deal TO YOU. And guess what? Most people care way more about a 5e DND game "Set in the BG world" (Which isn't actually a thing. Baldur's Gate is a city. In Faerun. It's been revisited in all sorts of other media, and those 2 games don't have a monopoly on it).
And the very idea that they should go through the trouble of letting you play Turn-Based or RWTP is just...unreasonable to the point of almost being arrogant. It's not flipping a switch, dude.
I'm genuinely sorry that you can't look past nostalgia and unfounded expectations to see the quality of what's already there, or it's potential. I'm sorry that your dogma has rendered you unable to look forward to what, to pretty much EVERYONE ELSE'S view was a fantastic and promising taste of a pre-alpha game.
You're going to be disappointed, and it's not really anyone else's fault.
Last edited by vometia; 05/03/2007:30 PM. Reason: formatting