Originally Posted by TheInfinitySock
Cool what I would like to now about Baldur’s Gate 3 is will we be able to pick a deity without being a divine class in Baldur’s Gate 1 and Baldur’s Gate 2 you had to be a cleric to be able to pick a deity also will we have the aberrant mind sorcerer in Baldur’s Gate 3

I can answer part of this actually.

The reason that deity selection is only for some classes is that these devote everything to one god.
Their devotion grants them certain "gifts" (or advantages) that the god bestow on them in return.

In a world with a pantheon of gods THAT ARE REAL, most people would spread their faith among all or most of the gods. No reason to piss of the god of death just because you thought the god of wine was cooler.

If your character choose to champion one god over all the others, then your character would be one of the classes that would get an advantage from that (even if it was just one level).