In the demo many, oh so many, D&D rule where cast aside for a game that repeat to want to be more rule adherent than the predecessors, for example:
-Drinking a potion require 1 Action (not bonus)
-Casting Mage Hand require 1 Action (not free/bonus)
-Imparting the command to Mage Hand require 1 Action
-Mage Hand can't attack (Pushing is an attack), and could interact only with object, not creature
Have a nice video with the rule of the spell
-Putting a Bow in the fire doesn't give you a magical fire bow, but only some coal, a burned string and a burned hand...
-You need arrow to use the bow
-You need time to remove your boots, isn't a free action
-If you want to use the light for stealth remember that if you are in the dark but in front of a light source, the enemy could see your silhuette
-Alignment is essential for D&D, unless now my Cleric of Ilmater will be able to maintaining all the power after drinking the blood of cute baby halfling
- There will be fix to all this rule or i have to play a game losely based on D&D5ED?
There are other rule ignored or rewrited, but those are the most important.
I want to ask why the pregenerated character have an origin story more important than the character i will generate (i'm the spectator of the story)? Also, since i already hate the elf and the vampire (since he can suck my blood while i'm sleeping, can i stake him while he's sleeping?), and the mage doesn't start much better, how many other character there are that i can add to my party? Can I create other character for the party or i have to play "solo run" forever? Can i make decision on the level up of the other character?

Last edited by Xary; 05/03/20 09:33 PM.