In the demo many, oh so many, D&D rule where cast aside for a game that repeat to want to be more rule adherent than the predecessors, for example: -Drinking a potion require 1 Action (not bonus) -Casting Mage Hand require 1 Action (not free/bonus) -Imparting the command to Mage Hand require 1 Action -Mage Hand can't attack (Pushing is an attack), and could interact only with object, not creature Have a nice video with the rule of the spell -Putting a Bow in the fire doesn't give you a magical fire bow, but only some coal, a burned string and a burned hand... -You need arrow to use the bow -You need time to remove your boots, isn't a free action -If you want to use the light for stealth remember that if you are in the dark but in front of a light source, the enemy could see your silhuette -Alignment is essential for D&D, unless now my Cleric of Ilmater will be able to maintaining all the power after drinking the blood of cute baby halfling - There will be fix to all this rule or i have to play a game losely based on D&D5ED?
-I can see drinking a potion being a bonus action. I've often house ruled my games to do this. However, if you want to give a potion to another character, it should be an action.
-I agree with all of the Mage Hand stuff. Mage Hand is really just a tool to help navigate traps and puzzles. It's combat utility should be limited unless playing an Arcane Trickster Rogue.
-I don't see the big deal about being able to dip an arrow in fire to get a bit of fire damage added to the attack. Also, I find managing ammunition for weapons tedious. Unless they are super special arrows/bolts, I really don't want to mess with it. I never track ammunition in table top D&D.
-Agree with the time taken to remove boots. Now, if the boots were just in your bags, withdrawing them could be a free action. But if you're wearing them? Yeah, they need time to be removed.
-I'm not sure how much more sophisticated they can make the light/shadow system. To take silhouettes into account seems to be a lot of unnecessary work imo. It would also make things tough on the player.
-Alignment is absolutely NOT essential for D&D. 5th Edition has moved away from it so drastically that it's barely referenced anymore. The focus is on character choices and character agency. Instead of saying, "What would a Lawful Good Cleric do in this situation?" it becomes "What would MY CHARACTER do in this situation?" Alignment puts a character into an unnecessary box. Just think about what kind of character you want and stay true to it with their actions. No doubt BG3 will be tracking your morality in one way or another.
Another thing that worries me is Shove, Jump, and Disengage being bonus actions. Disengage being a bonus action takes that unique utility away from rogues specifically. Shove/Jump being bonus actions skew the power curve towards classes like Fighter and Barbarian as they get bonuses to Shove.