Originally Posted by Ardeis
I really hope some questions are raised about the glaring, overt similarities to DOS and if any effort shall be made to make BG3 have it's own identify, also if efforts shall be made to make it less cartoony "realistic"

Also if 4 man is set in stone or if they're looking at increasing it

And ofc, RTwP I'd love that to come up, not that I'm massively bothered by it, I'd just like to see them address it.

I just want to mention, go and take a look at DOS2 pre alpha.It looked SO much like DOS.Because in the beginning they use SO much placeholders. In the interviews it is said that the engine now is 30% what was left from DOS2 engine and 70% new. Also, look at DOS pre-alpha. The colouring was way too over the top.The final product didn't look anything like this.

What we've seen is pre-alpha. There will be such a big difference between what weve seen vs what we're going to get.Ofc the engine will be the same, ofc it will still lookk like a game made with the same engine.But imagine what you've already seen with a slightly adjusted colour palette and less recycled surfaces. That will already look like a different game.And rulewise, they are not really alike, although in a sense, since Larian always pulled inspiration from games like ultima and BG and icewind and... they were always already partially like those games.So the shift might not seem that big.

"Dwelfusius | Were-axlotl of Original Sin"

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