TB/RTwP discussion is here. Please use it, I have asked many times.

As for the subject of simplification, there are various takes on it. I've seen too many examples of stuff where "streamlining" hasn't so much smoothed things out as shaved off pretty much all of the characteristics that made it worthwhile; but I've also seen as many examples of stuff that ended up being an exercise in complexity for its own sake and just ended up feeling awkward and inconsistent. Not just games but other stuff too. It is possible to simplify stuff without destroying it in the process and there are innumerable examples of stuff that really need it, as much as the idea may make people uncomfortable (and those people often include me).

But I hope this isn't going to turn into a "dumbing down for casuals" assertion as nothing good ever came of that. Indeed it's rather self-fulfilling when it comes to productive discourse.

J'aime le fromage.