1. You saw next to none of the game. Nobody so far has been able to actually quantify this to me in a way that didn't sound like "Why doesn't this look and sound like a 20 year old game that had half of it's design choices made out of necessity rather than preference?"
...and we don't really need to see much of the game, because first impressions mean a lot. And one doesn't need to go into in-depth analysis as to how the reveal differs greatly from past Baldur's Gate games, as they are immediately seen from the surface, with no digging required... As stated, even the UI is completely different. The only thing that was reminiscent from the older games was the fact that it was using the dnd ruleset, and that it takes place in Baldur's Gate. Other than that, it shared aspects that rpg's generally share. This reveal was like when they revealed Dungeon Siege 3, and how it looked and played nothing like the older games.
It isn't about people wanting it to look and play like a 20 year old gfame. It's about people wanting the devs to take the aspects they loved from the old games, and translate it to play like an updated Baldur's Gate game, which it objectively did not.
2. It's a big deal to you, and a very vocal minority. It's a big deal TO YOU. And guess what? Most people care way more about a 5e DND game "Set in the BG world" (Which isn't actually a thing. Baldur's Gate is a city. In Faerun. It's been revisited in all sorts of other media, and those 2 games don't have a monopoly on it).
So you're really resorting to the mob rule mentality? Oh, and the word "most" implies a majority, meaning over 50%, so unless you have any sort of stats or graphs to confirm this claim, don't use the word - it just makes you look like you're overcompensating toi "prove" your point. Besides, your tone suggests you are only using it as a disingenuous attempt to try and make your viewpoint seem more valid than others. Who gives a shit what "most" people think. "Most" people thinking something, does not equate to it being the better idea. YOu know what even more poeple would like? If you could choose between both modes?...
And the very idea that they should go through the trouble of letting you play Turn-Based or RWTP is just...unreasonable to the point of almost being arrogant. It's not flipping a switch, dude.
I take it you are not familiar with Pillars of Eternity 2? It's a rtwp crpg, inspired by the old Infinity Engine games, where the developers added the OPTION to play the game in turn-based mode, AFTER THE GAME WAS COMPLETED...Larian is only in pre-alpha.
I'm genuinely sorry that you can't look past nostalgia and unfounded expectations to see the quality of what's already there, or it's potential.
you are conflating 2 separate ideas: Wanting a game to look/play a certain way, and seeing/not seeing quality/potential in what was revealed. These are not mutually exclusive. One can be critical at the fact that the game doesn't appear to be what they wanted, and also see quality and potential in what is there. I do see quality and potential, I just don't see a Baldur's Gate game.
I'm sorry that your dogma has rendered you unable to look forward to what, to pretty much EVERYONE ELSE'S view was a fantastic and promising taste of a pre-alpha game.
When did I ever say I thought this was or wasn't a "fantastic and promising taste of a pre-alpha game?" My initial reply was in response to another poster, and was what I thought (based on observation of others) were the criticisms people had with the game. It had nothing to do with my impressions of the game in it's current state or even what I thought about it as a game in general. If you are under impression that I think this game looks like shit because it appears to be not what I wanted, then you are sorely mistaken.
I and others have been waiting nearly 20 years for a BG sequel, that up until when Larian announced it, was just a fun thought to have because we were convinced it was never, ever, ever, going to happen, and then when it was announced and recently revealed, and I and others saw that it wasn't really what we were hoping it would/could be, I don't think it's too unreasonable for some of us to be upset, seeing as how one could complete grade school, high school, college and have a child, in the time that we've been hoping for a sequel, so you can drop the condescending tone that's been oozing out of you throughout your entire response. Remember, my reply was just offering feedback and a general opinion - you attacked me.
And also, why would I or anyone else care what everyone else thinks? Like how does that add merit to anything? Again, it is an attempt to try and bolster your viewpoint and dismiss others. In terms of what somebody likes or sees value in, their own opinion is literally the only one that matters. Do you tend to buy games based on what most others think of them, because I don't...
You're going to be disappointed, and it's not really anyone else's fault.
So now you are not only speaking for other people, but also in absolutes...