2. It's a big deal to you, and a very vocal minority. It's a big deal TO YOU. And guess what? Most people care way more about a 5e DND game "Set in the BG world" (Which isn't actually a thing. Baldur's Gate is a city. In Faerun. It's been revisited in all sorts of other media, and those 2 games don't have a monopoly on it).
Are you able to quantify the "very vocal minority"?
Are you able to quantify the "Most people" who care more about a 5e D&D game?
I agree with you that Baldur´s Gate is a city at the Sword Coast in Faerûn in the Forgotten Realms. I also agree that it´s been revisited in other medias. It´s also right, that BG1 and BG2 don´t have a monopoly on it´s name. But the question is - at least for me - why is it called Baldur´s Gate III?
And i would say most people dont care about an exact adaptation of D&D. For the people who want it: BG3 isnt obviously when you know D&D