Originally Posted by Raze

What does looking like BG mean? There have been several topics related to this, and I don't know. A small minority of people mean an isometric camera with 2D graphics. The area around the riverbank in BG3 was too bright and colourful to be BG, despite bright and colourful areas in the first 2 games, and dark areas in the presentation.
I'm not the person to ask about the graphics design for BG3, though, not being involved in the design or development.

TY for your presence, it is always interesting to feel listened to and to be able to participate in a real feedback.

I think the main plot is doing a Baldur's Gate game and not just a DD5 game ( Baldur's Gate identity before Dungeons and Dragons identity). It's an important nuance.

I propose a small list to answer your question:

- Incantations for spell!!!!!! Not just click and KABOOM FIRE EFFECT!

- A little less colorful ambiance, BG universe is more realistic and less shiny and high fantasy than Divinity.

- Of course the UI is too close of Divinity. We want an UI with wood and stone, a little more gloomy and traditional.

- "Ahh, the Child of Bhaal has awoken."

A VERY VERY BADASS MAIN VILAIN! Sarevok and Irenicus was deep and very iconic, like Hitchcock said "A good story is a story with a good vilain". I hope Illithid Master isn't the real final boss. I have big hope with Cult of the Dead Three (a very good connexion with the Bhaal Legacy and the new context of DD5).

- BG Music' style or remix! Even today the first notes of the main theme of BG1 or BG2 still very iconic.

- One map for one location to visit with a big world map and the possibility of returning from former areas. The system of ONE BIG Map for one Act in Divinity isn't BG friendly and it's an immersion breaker.

- Custom portrait and real character sheet.

- A LOT of charismatic NPC Companions and not just 5 or 6 Origin Divinity' style NPC.... And please true ROMANCES and a lot of PARTY BANTERS.

- A very good and long adventure with local issues and not just ultra epic and cosmic issue, it's an other immersion breacker imo. Less epic for epicness and more coherent and realistic background. Less High Fantasy and more MEDIEVAL fantasy with historic soul and deep conflicts.

In summary, a good glass of old-fashioned wiskhy in front of a crackling fireplace, an old library and a hunting trophy. Not a smooth and clean atmosphere like the design of the latest iphone.

- Of course, a lot of easter eggs with the BG series (Viconia, Sarevok, events, locations, ...).

- Less WTF moments and jokes than Divinity, BG universe is serious and deep with subtle touches of humor like Jan Jansen and Minsc quotes.

An attack of shoes is fun but it's also useless and not the spirit of the licence.

- A true group of 6 adventurers ( During the demo I have seen only 4 slots of characters...). ( we can make a concession with this point I think...)

Last edited by DaKatarn; 08/03/20 10:36 AM.

He who breaks a thing to understand what it is, has left the path of reason.