Speaking of demon, the design of demon in character design don't like it so much. Maybe it's the design.. I don't know how to describe it though. Doesn't look traditional demon. More like a modern demon.
i'm not sure what's wrong with larian's version of demon. was it too modern? too smooth? engine limitation? art direction? his clothes?
You aren't familiar with D&D, I think. The character in the clip of BG3 is almost certainly a Cambion, an half humanoid/ half fiend (fiend is a word used to indicate both demon and devil), and if you look closely it's similar to the third image you posted that is called Cambion, only with more big horn, and dressed as a noble instead that as a fighter. The bigger horn could depend on the humanoid parent.. She/He could be a Tiefling, a race of umanoid touched in ancient time by demon/devil characterized by great horn in modern art... Also the tiefling themselves could be the descendant of cambion with other humanoid... If you want to see some of the Demons Prince of D&D, take a look to this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k26idR0QYAY&feature=emb_title
you are correct i'm not really that familiar with D&D. however before posting this i was actually searching for reference materials for how demons look in D&D. i couldn't find much reference. what i'm trying to highlight here is the design of larian's version of cambion or demon-touched does not have that fantasy feel to it. perhaps the clothings are off or it's simply too difficult to transition a high fantasy demon to a 3D game? i don't know.
As I said before, i think is only the dress, if you look the character has humanoid apparence with demon-like wing and horn, similar to the third image you used. Cambion are powerfull, charismatic and intelligent compared to humanoid, but only considered something more than a dretch (one of the lowlest demon) by true demons (maybe exept by Graz'zt, one of the Lord of the Demons who look almost like an obsidian human with six finger and like to sire new cambions). Cambion are used to some extent by demons and devils to contact humans, so not always they need to dress as a warrior. It could even be one of the few cambion who has rejected his evil origins... a rare thing but possible https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Cambion
i have read what cambion is about. again i'm highlighting the character design. cambion or half-fiends can look very stylish and cool with it's design. larian's version of cambion could benefit from a more polish design and looks better. it's true the clothing.. perhaps also the wings and texture can be more refined and makes them look more align to D&D design.