Can't you explain why you choose this name and convince players that find this name important ?
The CEO wanted to make BG3 and asked WotC, who initially declined the proposal. A couple years later, WotC contacted Larian and asked if we still wanted to do BG3. The name is important because that is the project. That came first.
This is really an unexpected anwer again... If first is because it's the project, what came next ? What looks like BG in the "general gameplay overview" we had ?
PS : Sorry if you look "to be" Larian, you're the only one with their name here
Originally Posted by Raze
Originally Posted by kyrthorsen
Making a game called Baldurs gate THREE and ignoring the COMPLETE fanbase of BG ONE and TWO
Complete? Except of course the BG fans that have posted in various topics that they approve of the current direction, are ok with it, on the fence or would have done things differently but it isn't quite time to get the torches and pitchforks.
Also, given that it is literally impossible to please everyone, any features not to your particular preference does not mean you were ignored. The people making the game are gamers, and like any group have various preferences and opinions. With D:OS 1 and 2, various features and design decisions were debated internally before showing up in public sometimes to be echoed in forums, and points raised in forums have triggered internal debates. That will likely be the case when Early Access starts for BG3, as well.
You'll probably pleased Larian's fanbase, you'll probably please D&D fanbase... But I still never see any "only" BG video game fan that is happy wherever I read discussions about BG3.
Some BG fans are only video games players. They aren't fans of D&D and neither fans of your games. (Or maybe they are, but they consider BG as BG, no as D&D. Larian's game is something else) It looks you completely forget them or don't care about them and spit on them.
If this was your intention to pleased them while creating this new game as it is, you would probably just haven't named this BG3.... because it's probably only us that cares about the name of this game. Of course it's impossible to pleased everyone, but here you won't please (m)any video game players that waited BG3 for years.
That's why nearly each thread everywhere arround the world talking about BG3 sucks at the moment.