Originally Posted by Maldurin
Originally Posted by kanisatha
Originally Posted by coats707
Just want to comment here with my full support of the turn-based combat and literally all of the gameplay I saw from the live preview. I don't want the feedback to be skewed by ridiculous, nostalgic BS. I don't have the data to prove it's a "vocal minority" that's upset about no rtwp, but we can all at least be realistic and admit turn-based games sell more than rtwp games these days. There is a reason why PoE 2 went back and added a turn-based mode. There's also no proof that it's NOT a vocal minority -- looking at social media is not proof. People that are upset about what they saw are much more likely to go complain on social media.

I'd hate to see what was shown in the preview ruined by all of this garbage feedback. That said, I think Larian is smart enough to know what they are dealing with.

TB fans are the vocal minority. They try to appear more than they are by being loud-mouthed and in-your-face in their approach to making comments. TB RPG sales are a joke compared with the sales of games like Skyrim, Witcher 3, and all the DA games. TB RPGs are the niche. RT/RTwP RPGs are the mainstream. Any RPG made by CDPR, Bethesda or even Bioware will sell way more than this game. Sorry to burst your bubble.

You so realize that RT and RTwP are two completely different systems and naming them as one
is totally made up.
That People love Witcher 3, Skyrim Dark Souls does not make then open for RTwP, which is in fact as
Niche as you can go.

No. RT and RTwP are much closer to each other than either is to TB. And in parallel, RT fans and RTwP fans overlap each other significantly more than either overlaps with TB fans.